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Newborn, Parenting

Ready for a Baby? 4 Essential Projects for New Parents

Written by Alex Filipovic

Expecting your first baby is scary. No matter how much you read and learn about what you might expect, you might still feel like Alice in Wonderland. Well, experience is what counts here and there is not a thing than can replace it, so just take things slow and everything will fall into its place in time.

However, you can prep the environment around you by taking certain steps. Everyone believes that babies are expensive, but the truth is they really don’t have to be. New parents are guided with “only the best for my baby” and that is the only way to go, but the best doesn’t have to be the most expensive. So, go through the next projects and see what you can do without breaking the bank.

Bad Habits? Quit them

There are two reasons why new parents really need to focus on this little project. First of all, it’s not healthy for a child to be around people who have bad habits – it can damage them physically and mentally and your child’s health is a priority. Secondly, bad habits are a black hole that sucks in money and you will cut your costs in half by getting rid of them.

Finally, this is also the time to think about your own health – in order to take care of your baby, you need to be absolutely healthy and full of energy and bad habits won’t get your there.

Unsafe Home? Start Babyproofing


    There’s a mistake new parents often make when it comes to baby proofing – due to a lack of experience they go to the store, get confused by all the items and purchase everything because the nice lady in the store told them they needed it.

    You don’t. Most security measures can be applied using things you already have at home. For starters, you need to secure your appliances by tying them down to furniture and you need nothing more than a strong thread to do it. While you’re at it, fasten all cords and move them out of sight – once again, a piece of string and some tape will do.

    Probably the most important thing to do is moving dangerous substances like medications and cleaning products out of range – an hour or two of moving objects and making a new schedule around your home will do it.

    It really is as simple as that – create a list of things you need to do and take your time doing it. Shops really do take advantage of new parents that are confused and that’s something you shouldn’t allow.

    No Money? Do the magic

    Parents really are magical – once the baby is born and until it grows up (and after that happens), you will need to come up with various solutions that will seem impossible to conduct at the present time, but you will do it anyway. These supernatural skills will develop in time and you should start working on them before the baby is born.

    There’s a really important secret I’d like to share with mothers to be who don’t have health insurance – you can cut your bill significantly. How, you ask? Just go down to the hospital and ask someone to give you a list of things that are usually included in the delivery bill and simply exclude the things you don’t need. If everything goes well, you can even leave the hospital a day earlier, which will really make a difference in pricing.

    Speaking of bills – having someone throw a baby shower for you will get you many things new parents need and people will be more than happy to help out.

    There’s one important thing you really will be grateful for having and it be worth every penny you pay for it – a good stroller. So, make sure to do your research before purchasing one.

    Another magical rule is to stay away from branded items, because the fact is that you’re paying for the brand name as well, not just the product. The best friends of new parents are discounts, so dedicate some time every day (half an hour will do) to browsing through online stores.

    Ready for DIY? Roll Up Your Sleeves


      The fact that a new baby will require some funding doesn’t mean you must or should neglect your home. The aesthetics of your surroundings can have a calming effect on your mind, and it’s up to you to welcome your newborn and enable it to grow up in a loving and beautiful home.

      Other than developing supernatural skills, you can and should work on your DIY skills. You will be amazed with what you can do with items that most homes have and several useful tools. This inexpensive way to beautify your home can be very entertaining and perhaps even become a family activity in time. You know where to start – online browsing through simple yet gorgeous DIY projects and reading about various methods to complete them is the way to go.

      Nine months may seem like enough time to prepare for everything but they will fly by, trust me. Just stay positive, take your time with each task you set in front of you and you’ll be just fine. Congrats to new parents!

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