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10 Signs You’re A Highly Rational Thinker

Written by Bill Widmer
Content Marketing Expert
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Are you a highly rational thinker? Do you spend more time thinking things through than acting on a whim? Here are 10 signs you’re definitely a highly rational thinker:

1. You think about the future more than the past

If you spend more time thinking about your goals and your future than about past events, you’re probably a rational thinker. Rational thinkers always think in terms of goals and objectives; both of which are future- and progress- oriented.

2. You always ask for the reasons first

Simply doing something is no good for you. You have to know why? You won’t dive in head first without a solid reasoning as to why you should even jump in.

3. You make plans often – and follow them

You refuse to go ahead with something without a solid plan, and some good evidence. You want to know exactly how everything is going to pan out: during a vacation, you probably want to know where are you going to stop, for how long, and what you are going to do while you’re there.

4. You list the pros and cons when making decisions

Simply making a decision without knowing the impacts makes you cringe. If you never make a decision without knowing exactly what you’re going to gain and what you’ll lose in the process, you’re a highly rational thinker.

5. For you, reaching targets isn’t difficult; the key is to have the right methods

You plan out your road map to your goals, pick the proper methods, then execute those methods to get exactly what you want. You know that methodology is the key to reaching any target, no matter how lofty.


6. You can get the information you want very quickly

As soon as a question pops into your mind or is asked of you, you know exactly where to find the answer. You can learn any new skill you set your mind to simply by committing to learning it. Google is your best friend, and you love to ask questions.

7. You seldom dwell on one thing for too long

Just as you think about the future more than the past, you can never sit and dwell on any one thing for too long. You want to move on and progress, reaching forward to hit the targets you so tediously planned to hit. Your strongest methodology is moving the plan forward, and not letting the past hold you back.

8. You love chess

Chess is a highly strategic game. It takes a lot of insight and high-level thinking. Only highly rational and strategic thinkers are able to play it to its full potential. If you’re really good at chess or are particularly fond of the game, chances are you’re a highly rational thinker.

9. You keep a planner

Keeping a daily planner keeps you organized and stops you from forgetting your appointments. Many people have trouble keeping a planner because they forget about it and stop, or simply give up on it. Being a highly rational thinker, however, you keep it no matter what.

10. You don’t let emotions blind your judgement

Many times emotions can keep us from thinking rationally and coming to a potentially obvious conclusion. However, you know better; you never let your emotions blind you from the obvious truths. You’re a highly rational thinker, and you’re able to put your emotions aside and do what’s necessary and correct, regardless of how you feel about it.

Are you a highly rational thinker? Did you find yourself agreeing with many of the points above? If you didn’t think you were a highly rational thinker before you read this, do you think you are now?

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