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12 Bedtime Snacks/Drinks That Can Help You Sleep Better

Written by Katherine Eion

There is plenty of advice available to cure insomnia. For example, the fruit alphabet is said to promote sleep. While there are plenty of OTC remedies, some are addictive or have undesirable side effects. Many find it preferable to use natural remedies instead. In this way the person is working with their own body to get a good night’s sleep.

1. Warm Milk

Researchers have long touted the benefit of a warm cup of milk for a better night’s sleep. Further, warm milk lowers dangerous cortisol levels, that rise as a result of stress. Those who are lactose intolerant can receive the same benefit from almond milk.

2. Protein and Carbs

Try a light snack of peanut butter on a cracker about a half hour before bed. Scientists do not recommend a heavy meal, before sleep, but a very light snack of cheese or peanut butter and a cracker can be extremely beneficial.

3. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Foods rich in magnesium help people sleep better according to scientific research. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a delicious way to add this important mineral to the diet and it serves as a very light bedtime snack.

4. Almonds

These little nuts are believed to enhance sleep for several reasons. The protein helps lower blood sugar and almonds are rich in magnesium, which is said to help sleep. Try a handful a half-hour before bed or as a milk or spread almond butter on a cracker.

5. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is another remedy that experts have recommended for a very long time for those who suffer from insomnia. The tea is very soothing and calming, and of course, is caffeine-free. Some have paired this remedy with other natural remedies, such as magnesium, to enhance the benefit.

6. Soy Beans

This salty snack is especially helpful to women with symptoms menopause. Research indicates that foods rich in soy isoflavones reduce hot flashes brought on in menopause. Blend two cups of soy beans with a dash of salt, a quarter teaspoon of olive oil, and a single clove of garlic for a light dip.

7. Oatmeal

Enjoy an oatmeal cookie with milk or a warm bowl before bedtime for a great night’s sleep. New studies indicate that oats contain melatonin and complex carbohydrates that are surprisingly helpful for those who have trouble sleeping.

8. Banana

This sweet snack came as a bit of a surprise, yet studies confirm this bedtime snack is highly beneficial. Bananas are very high in the vitamins that relax muscles, potassium and magnesium. Add a dab of peanut butter for some protein.

9. Yogurt

Yogurt naturally contains tryptophan, a proven sleep enhancer. Tryptophan, is also in warm milk and studies show that eaten in yogurt the amino acid is digested easier. People who are lactose intolerant may find yogurt to be a better alternative to milk as well.

10. Green Tea

A soothing cup of decaffeinated green tea is highly beneficial in a number of ways including getting a good night’s sleep. Green tea contains the amino acids, theanine, which has proven to be important to a healthy night’s sleep.

11. Montmorency Cherries

Cherries, especially montmorency, are high in the sleep aid melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone found by researchers that is a natural sleep aid. Eat four or five cherries forty-five minutes to an hour before bedtime.

12. Fish

Most fish, especially salmon and tuna, increase the production of melatonin. Fish is also rich in vitamin B6 a proven nerve soother. The vitamin has also been shown to relieve symptoms of restless leg syndrome, for those who have difficulty with this insomnia inducing disorder.