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Health, Lifestyle

How Coffee And Tea Make You Healthier

Written by Siobhan Harmer
Siobhan is a passionate writer sharing about motivation and happiness tips on Lifehack.


    Almost everyone enjoys a hot drink every now and again, but did you know that regular consumption of coffee and tea will actually improve your health significantly?

    The average tea drinker consumes about 10 gallons of tea per year. Meanwhile, coffee drinkers drink 70 gallons; that’s enough coffee to fill a bathtub!

    Coffee has been scientifically proven to help ease asthma attacks, lessen chances of liver cancer and aid weight loss in various ways, as well as keeping your brain young and active. Tea also helps in numerous ways, mainly because it comes in so many different forms: green tea is renowned for being packed with anti-oxidants which can help prevent breast, stomach and lung cancer, and black tea, by far the most popular, helps prevent heart disease.

    Which is your favourite hot beverage?

    How Coffee And Tea Help You Stay Healthy | Health Host

    Featured photo credit: Carli Jean via