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How to go From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Written by Caz Makepeace
Ordinary to extraordinary
    Credit: Tooley

    It’s really not that difficult to live an extraordinary life. Most people look at those who are having success around them, and desire the same thing, but end up tossing their dreams in the too-hard-basket.

    They don’t understand that going from ordinary to extraordinary involves doing just a little bit extra.

    It is how I managed to live and travel the world for 14 years, grow one of the most popular travel blogs online in just a year, land a partnership project with Qantas, and have very quick success with my Mummy blog.

    All you need to concentrate on is doing 10% more than those around you- that little bit extra in the following areas.


    Everything in life starts with a dream. Those who move on to the attainment of their goals understand how important doing that little bit extra is with dreaming.

    You have to dream big. Your dreams should be so big that they scare you. Don’t allow thoughts of limitations and excuses as to why those dreams can’t come true enter your head. Just dream your wildest dream. Tell that genie exactly what it is you desire.

    There are two very important steps you must undertake when dreaming

    1. Say Yes to the Dream
    2. Understand that you deserve it.

    In saying yes to the dream, you are in fact saying that you deserve this to be a reality in your life. If you don’t stand up for your dreams then no one else will.

    Whatever you are dreaming you are dreaming it because it is the life that was purely destined for you. Of course you deserve it. Why wouldn’t you?

    Saying yes to the dream means that you commit yourself 110% to the attainment of it. You understand that the “yes” starts the wheels in motion to move the dream from absent minded wishing on the couch to full fledge participation in making it become a reality.


    You cannot move into the realm of success without first learning how to get there. All successful people spend years learning how to perfect their craft and develop a mindset destined for success.

    They don’t waste time filling their heads with gossip, reality TV shows, negative news, dis-empowering emotions or anything else that will interfere with them moving forward.

    They find out who are the successful people in their niche and then they learn how they can follow in their footsteps.

    There is rarely a spare moment that goes by where I do not have a book in my hand, a podcast in my ear, or I’m having conversation with someone who can help me move forward to achieving my goals.

    Invest your time and money into learning and growing yourself.

    Taking Action

    Sitting on the couch dreaming will never be enough to make them your reality. You have to take action. Achieving success means playing full out.

    Doing 10% more than everyone else will propel you out in front.

    For every action you undertake, push yourself just that little bit more. Take on that extra hour work each day, write that one extra blog post, and talk to that one extra person who is where you want to be.

    Taking Action will involve you having to undertake the following

    Stretch your comfort zones

    Taking action means there are times when you are going to have to get uncomfortable. We only grow by stretching. By all means take baby steps if you need to.

    Every day do at least one thing that makes you feel uncomfortable. You are entering a new world, it will scare you, but don’t let that fear prevent you from attaining the dream you deserve.

    Make the Sacrifices

    You cannot get without giving something in return. Understand that in order for you to go from ordinary to extraordinary, you will have to make sacrifices. This could be a sacrifice of time, money, relationships, comfort levels, character traits, or material possessions.

    Work out what price you are willing to pay and then pay it. The rewards will be worth it.

    Take the Opportunities

    The longer you are involved in the process of moving from ordinary to extraordinary the easier it will be for you to see the opportunities that float pass you daily.

    I do not believe in luck. I believe opportunities are always showing up in your face, but often you aren’t prepared enough to see them yet. By following these steps the “luck” will show up when you are prepared for them.

    When the opportunities arrive, don’t wait around with uncertainty, grab a hold of them. Part of the reason we secured a partnership deal with Qantas was because we took an opportunity that no one else did. We were able to see the potential rewards, so we made the sacrifice and said “Yes, please.”

    Interacting With Others

    So much of what I have achieved in my life is a direct result in my ability to interact with others. Just that little bit extra when interacting with others can go a very long way.

    All you need to do is give a little bit of an extra smile, help them in a little extra way, use a little bit extra manners, take some time to get to know and understand them better.

    You cannot have success in your life without helping and sharing with others along the way. Make your interactions a two way street.

    Your focus should be on authentic relationship building and what can I do to help you rather than how can you help me. It is by helping and serving others first that you will be rewarded in return.

    Live with Passion

    For me this is the extra nip of chili in your soup. The power kicker that will have your dreams coming towards you at rocket speed.

    If you do all the others well but leave this off, your dreams will come crawling to you. Going from ordinary to extraordinary means you are living with passion.

    You are spending your days excited about your life and your future. You are living from your higher emotive states of love, enthusiasm, and gratitude.

    Celebrate every win that happens no matter how small and be extremely grateful for them.

    You are living your dreams; there is much to be thankful for in that as there are many others that don’t get the same opportunities.

    Yes, the opportunities are there for everyone, but many don’t take them as they are afraid of doing that little bit extra and they don’t believe they deserve it.

    Be thankful that you were able to overcome those demons, and be enthusiastic in the fact that you can show others just how easy it can be. You can be the light that helps them find the way to their dreams becoming a reality.

    It is just a little bit extra.