TED covers all the best ideas over large variety of topics. However, it is time consuming to go through every single video on TED.com to discover the videos that really county. To save you time, we went through the site and created a list of TED talks about productivity. This list contains videos that can inspire you in the many different aspects of your life and boost your productivity with some brand-new ideas. These videos are short, punchy and beneficial for you life.
#1. Richard St. John: “Success is a continuous journey”
Richard St. John told us that the road to success is not a one-way street, it is a continuous journey. He shows his own business ups and downs to illustrate his key message. “When you stop trying, you fail.
#2. Eddie Obeng: Smart failure for a fast-changing world
The world is changing extremely rapidly at a speed that most people don’t realize. In this talk Eddie Obeng will show you how “smart failure” can help you to have better productivity in this fast changing era. h
#3. Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep
Instead of reducing your sleeping time to get more done, Arianna Huffington urges us to shut our eyes and feel the power of a good night’s sleep – because it helps us to increase productivity and happiness.
#4. Paolo Cardini: Forget multitasking, Try Monotasking
People are trying to achieve more by doing everything at the same time. Thanks to the help of smartphones, they can text, talk, surf the internet and watch video simultaneously. Designer Paolo questions the effectiveness and efficiency of multitasking and makes a product to help you focus on “monotasking.
#5. Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!
Ernesto Sirolli suggests that the first step in helping others is to listen to them.
#6. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are
Body language not only affects how other people see us, but it also changes how we see and understand ourselves. Amy Cuddy shows you how “power posing” can shape your confidence level.
#7. Margaret Heffernan: Dare to disagree
Most of us tend to avoid conflicts, but Margaret Heffernan disagrees with us. She shows us that a good disagreement is central to progress.
#8. Michael Norton: How to buy happiness
Michael Norton has intriguing research on how money can actually buy happiness. In his talk, he will show you how pro-social spending can be beneficial to you.
#9. Susan Cain: The power of introverts
We are living in a world where being social and outgoing are prized. Being introvert can be difficult and shameful. In Susan Cain’s talk, she shows you how introverts can be extraordinary talents and bring unique abilities to the world.
#10. Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
Psychologist Shawn Achor believe that happiness inspires productivity.
#11. Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier
We all love customized experiences and options but when we are faced with 1000 options, we freeze up. In Sheena Iyengar’s research, she shows us how businesses can improve the overall experience of choosing.
#12. Daniel Goldstein: The battle between your present and future self
Daniel Goldstein created a tool that helps us to imagine the consequences from our decisions and helps us to make smarter choices.
#13. Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work
Nigel Marsh lays out a perfect day, balanced between work and life and provides great encouragement to help make it happen.
#14. Caroline Casey: Looking past limits
Caroline Casey shows us her extraordinary life and how we can move beyond the limits we think we have.
#15. Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work
Jason Fried wants to show us the fact that the office isn’t the best place to do it. He also offers 3 suggestions on how to improve your working productivity.
#16. Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos tell us that our character is reflected not in the gifts we’re endowed with at birth, but by our own choices we make in our life.
#17. Chip Conley: Measuring what makes life worthwhile
Chip Conley went in search of a business model based on his happiness after 2000. He learned that success comes from what you measure.
#18. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
Simon Sinek shows us a powerful, yet simple, model for inspirational leadership which can start with a golden circle and the killer question “Why?”.
#19. Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!)
There are no excuses not to do what makes you feel good because the internet has made the formula for success much easier. h
#20. Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors
Itay Talgam demonstrates unique leadership which is about creating perfect harmony without saying a single word.
#Bonus. Steve Jobs: How to live before you die
An epic video of Steve Jobs that urges us to pursue our dreams and show us how to overcome obstacles in our life – including death. If you haven’t watched this video yet, here’s the chance. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UF8uR6Z6KLc
Featured photo credit: Christmas microphone via Shutterstock