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Communication, Motivation

30 Thoughts to Keep You Positive

Written by Lidiya K
Lidiya is the founder of Let's Reach Success, a blog on personal, spiritual and business growth.

We all get upset every now and then and lose hope, think that things will never get better and we probably won’t have the life we’ve always been dreaming about.

But that’s not true. Let’s not live in the prison of being sad and depressed because of momentous stuff, other people, daily problems or outer factors.

Positivity can be kept throughout the whole year and once you get used to this attitude towards life, you’ll become much more contented with who you are and the way things turn out. You’ll be smiling more, will focus on the good stuff in your life and that will make you considerably more satisfied and peaceful.

Here are some things to keep in mind that will remind you of how good life actually is:

1. Everything you don’t like about yourself and your life can be changed.

2. Happiness is right here, in the present moment.

3. You deserve to be happy.

4. Your actions inspire people.

5. With every hardship you encounter, you become stronger.

6. Your mistakes are your experience, and now you know what not to do next time. That puts you a few steps ahead of others.

7. At any moment you can meet someone who’s going to change your life.

8. No matter how bad you feel and what phase you’re going through now, remember two things:
– it could have been worse;
– it’s temporary.

9. Success doesn’t depend on age, nationality, gender, looks, connections, capital, education or religion. These are just outer factors.
If you have a purpose, stay focused and consistent and believe in yourself and your dreams, you can make them come true.

10. It’s just a bad day and it doesn’t mean your life sucks. Just wait for tomorrow.

11. After every time it rains, there comes a rainbow.
And after every sunset – a sunrise.

12. Some people look up to you without you even knowing.

13. No good deed is ever wasted. Keep helping, giving and showing compassion. It’s worth it.

14. Whatever you think about, you attract. So keep it positive and you’ll have a good life.

15. Let the result of your efforts be the motivation you need to keep going.

16. When you fix your relationship with yourself – and start to love, listen to, accept and appreciate yourself for who you are – you’ll be able to have great relationships with other people too.

17.If you don’t do something right, you can always try again tomorrow.

18. You can still have the body you want – clean eating + training + consistency is the only formula that actually works. It’s your choice.

19. The bad things from the past don’t have any place in your present. Learn from what has already happened, let go of it and make space for new amazing memories.

20. Focus on the things you have in your life. You’ll soon see how rich you are and will start appreciating the abundance you live in.

21. At that moment things are just the way they should be. Trust the natural flow and don’t interfere.
In the next moment they’ll be different, but still just as they should be.

22. All diseases come from stress and unhealthy lifestyle. Change your habits and you can live a healthy life.

23. You’re unique. And no one can take that from you.

24. Life is full of opportunities. You just need to take them and give them a try.

25. You can turn your hobby into a career and find a way to make an income from it. Then you’ll never have to work a day in your life because all your time will be dedicated to your passion – the things you love doing the most.

26. You have enough time. Slow down. But still, don’t waste it.

27. You don’t need to work a job you hate. You’re your own boss and can just quit and find something better.

28. You shouldn’t live by someone else’s standards. Play by your rules and do what you want.

29. The future is uncertain. That’s the only certain thing. But you can be positive about it and be sure that whatever happens it’s going to be the right thing. And while doing that, enjoy life in the present moment.

30. A relationship can always be saved. Learn to be honest, to say sorry and to forget.

All these things are simple and obvious, and we all know them, but we tend to forget because of all the distractions around us. So it’s never too late to remind yourself of these 30 things, and add even more to them, and then see life through the eyes of a positive person.

Featured photo credit: Maria Oswalt via