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10 Reasons You Aren’t Able To Read A Lot Of Books

Written by Casey Imafidon
Specialized in motivation and personal growth, providing advice to make readers fulfilled and spurred on to achieve all that they desire in life.

Reading a book has become more tedious than ever for many. According to Goodreads, even some of the most exhilarating books are left unfinished. People are not just reading as many books as they used to, and certainly the numbers are not improving. Here are reasons why you may not be able to read a lot of books.

1. You don’t have access to books

It is easier to gain access to other media outlets like the TV or the internet than getting a book. What you don’t have close to you suddenly becomes less important. Even when people are able to download books online, genuine book lovers are still more content having a physical book. Trying to gain access by registering in a local library or joining a book club to rekindle your interest in books.

2. You have become a more social person

Book reading requires solitude and isolation. Yet people could start drifting into more social activities with the influence of friends and family. Having more social activities suddenly consumes your time and lures you away from reading that wonderful book. To enjoy that next book in that genre you love you may need to start spending more time alone.

3. You have the wrong perception of books

For some, reading a book seems more of a mechanical activity because it could help them pass their next exam. Thus books only appear to be a means to an end and never a cause of excitement on its own. Readers may find new genres that make the idea of reading becomes more attractive to a reader rather than a pain or a duty.

4. You are not inclined to finishing any book you start

Clinical psychologist Matthew Willhelm distinguishes between two personality types: those who want to feel accomplished after reading a book and those who do not see enough rewards in reading a book. These personality types are differentiated as we grow depending on the environment, desire and feeling we get from books. If you do not belong to the “completing a book” type, perhaps you have to tilt towards someone who does for support on this.

5. You don’t have enough time

Reading a book requires time, something that you may not have in abundance. People often complete a book while on a bus or a plane, when there is time to be engaged in a fixed spot. But when there are so many things to get done, completing a book may not be on your priority list.

6. You need to unwind in different ways

Reading a book can be intellectually challenging. Many would find less effort in watching a movie, or playing a video game. Trying to understand what the author is trying to channel through words could be difficult. Perhaps you have to build your intellectual enthusiasm and engage in discussions with book lovers.

7. You can’t afford buying books

Books are expensive. You may enjoy reading a book, but buying one may be challenging. You may be only able to afford a few and go no further. Perhaps you have to sign up at a library or buy used books.

8. You pick the wrong books to read

You need to read books that you are interested in. Sometimes it is easy to be captured by a title, but when you flip through the pages it simply doesn’t meet your expectations. Also a book could be the craze of the moment and you want to follow the crowd by reading that book, but end up finding out the book is not what you like. It is best to buy books that you are familiar with and satisfy your area of interest.

9. You are heavily distracted

It could be that you have your tablets, gadgets and other electronic devices close to you. It is easier to go through such devices than reading a book. Perhaps you have to go lighter by having fewer e-devices around you.

10. You haven’t made it a habit

Reading more books requires mastering it as a habit. What you do more often becomes something you enjoy doing all the time. Try and make reading more books a goal. Have a book with you anywhere you go, and soon you will be reading more and finding more benefits in reading a book.

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