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Communication, Relationships

17 Reasons Creative People Are Wonderful Partners

Written by Janice Wald
Teacher, Author, Blogger, Freelance Writer

Go ahead. It’s time to name names. Think of a creative person. Who comes to mind? Leonardo da Vinci? Your loved one? They really aren’t all that different. According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, a synonym for creativity is inventiveness. Da Vinci is one of the greatest inventors of all time.

Another synonym is originality. If your loved one fits the dictionary definition of creative, “the ability to think of new things or create new things,” like da Vinci, it is all too probable that your loved one has been criticized, perhaps even by you. It is precisely because they are so original that they are often misunderstood.

Whether or not your loved one is a modern-day da Vinci, there may not be as many reasons to criticize them as you think. They have many attributes that make them strong partners in a relationship.

1. They are motivated. did a study comparing groups of creative and noncreative people. They found the creative people have more drive than the noncreative group members. They are driven to work when they find a job that suits their considerable talents. This results in earning potential so great it could result in recognition for your partner and even fame. Their dreams for themselves are so big, they will rub off on you. You can’t help but become more motivated simply by being around them.

2. They will make you more easy-going.

They may be prone to attacks of insecurity. Because they need your encouragement, you will become a more supportive person as a result of being with them.  Creative types often rant about the imperfections of their latest projects and how untalented they are. Keep calm. Know this latest tirade will soon pass. You will become calmer as a result of all this practice.

3. They are optimists.

Because they are so creative, they are able to take a bad situation and creatively find ways to fix it. They can see potential. This ability to make the best of a bad situation makes them positive people to be around and certainly great problem solvers. According to, they actually let bad situations fuel their drive. Who wouldn’t want to be around a positive person? You may find the longer you are with them, you may start looking on the brighter side of life yourself.

4. They are flexible.

This entails mind-changing. Creative people are often inspired to try new things. You shouldn’t just go with it, you should appreciate it. If they think of a better idea than the plans you were putting in motion for the two of you, be grateful! This works both ways. Your partner will be open-minded to your ideas if you come up with a better plan the original one you had made as well.

5. They are not clingy.

Creative types are independent. They will never cling to you but will still love you just as much. Independence does not equal indifference. You can consider yourself lucky that you don’t have a partner who’s needy or clingy. However, if that independence deteriorates into a battle of wills, give them some space. Their stubbornness will diffuse.

6. They don’t stagnate.

They keep things dynamic in your relationship. Their curiosity makes them want to explore, and they will bring you on their travels. You will avoid that marital rut that troubles so many people with longevity. You will never be that “old” married couple.

7. They feel deeply, and they express these romantic feelings.

Creativity is about expressing oneself in unique ways. Expressing themselves comes second-nature to them. So be prepared for big romantic gestures like a night on the town or a spur of the moment get-a-way. Enjoy being loved deeply.

8. They will share their ideas with you.

Being able to express themselves doesn’t just relate to romance. They will collaborate with you on ideas and plans. You will get “buy in” so many partners lack which is important in a successful relationship.

9. They are sensitive to your feelings.

According to one writer, “Their sensitivity is the source of their brilliance.” You will never be able to accuse a creative person of being ice cold because they are quite the opposite.  Their sensitivity enables them to recall details other might ignore. You won’t have to tell them about your day more than once.  Even if their constantly active minds make them seem distracted, they will hear you and remember what you shared. You will feel important in your relationship with them as a result.

10. They are fun to be around.

Creative people enjoy a sense of wonder that keeps them child-like. Their creative minds will find new experiences for you to share. “They can find an opportunity for fun even in the most mundane.” Life with them will never grow dull.

11. They are humble.

Because they are constantly doubting themselves, you won’t be hearing “I told you so” often from them. If conceited people get on your nerves, you won’t have this problem with your loved one. As a result, you won’t have a partner that makes you feel small.

12. They are not materialistic.

They may have drive and ambition, and a desire for recognition and fame, but it’s passion that fuels their drive, not the desire for money. You won’t have to worry about financing their elaborate shopping sprees at expensive stores.

13. They are funny.

Creative people enjoy jokes, the baudier the better! Whenever you feel down, they know how to put a smile on your face because laughter is the best medicine.

14. They are great decorators.

Although creativity means being sensitive to art and beauty in more than just surface appearances, they still like to immerse themselves in beauty. So don’t worry about hiring a decorator for your first apartment together, they will gladly take care of it.

15. They don’t let rejection stop them.

They let failure propel them to try again. Their ability to rebound makes them enjoyable company. They don’t wallow. They will also encourage you to keep on pushing forward.

16. They keep what works.

They don’t keep their minds cluttered with ideas that don’t work. Their creative mind has a filter that enables them to know what works and what doesn’t.  Your home won’t be cluttered with nick-knacks.

17. They will make you more nurturing.

When their work “calls” and they forget to sleep, eat, or bathe, your nurturing side will appear, possibly one you didn’t know you had. You bring out the best in each other.

In closing, because creative individuals have such active minds, your loved ones may be exhausting at times, but their charms make it worth this whirlwind. Creative individuals are full of love. They love their environment that has the potential to inspire, they love beauty, and they love you.

Great news. Your loved one’s merits will not go away. Neuroscience has confirmed their brains function differently than the rest of the world. Don’t let these differences, which are beyond their control, strain your relationship. Try to understand them instead.

Featured photo credit: danielavladimirova via