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Health, Lifestyle

10 Reasons Why People Who Love To Laugh Are Healthier And Happier

Written by David K. William
David is a publisher and entrepreneur who tries to help professionals grow their business and careers, and gives advice for entrepreneurs.

Laughter is said to be older than language. Even animals laugh. It is one of the most natural and beneficial things you can do for your body and mind. Whether you snort, chortle, cackle, exude a huge belly laugh, or have a weird little giggle that’s ever so characteristic of you, laughter is the best medicine. It’s a preventative medicine for almost every ailment!

Science agrees and urges us all to lighten up and squeeze out more laughs every day. Researchers says that people who love to laugh are healthier and happier. Here’s a list of ten reasons why.

1. They have reduced stress.

In a recent study at the Indiana State University, researchers found that laughter can not only reduce stress, but also improve the chances to survive cancer and HIV. The simple act of chortling can soothe tension throughout the body and also lower the body’s stress hormones.

2. They have decreased feelings of anxiety and fear.

Since feelings of anxiety and fear can be detrimental to your emotional health, people who love to laugh have a huge advantage over those who are grumpy and never laugh at all. That’s because laughter releases the feel-good hormones dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. These little guys work to improve your mood, enhance your experiences and ease feelings of fear and anxiety.

3. They have improved respiratory health.

Laughter flushes the lungs with fresh air and helps you breathe more deeply. People who love to laugh inadvertently stretch their lungs, increase their heart rate and reinvigorate their entire body when laughing. This is equal to a splash of cool, fresh, rejuvenating water for the respiratory system.

4. They have lower chances of heart disease.

A study conducted at The University of Maryland found that there is a link between laughter and cardiovascular health. Laughter causes the tissue that composes the lining of blood vessels to expand, allowing for better blood flow. In other words, people who love to laugh improve the function of their blood vessels and increase blood flow. This helps protect their heart from diseases.

5. They have an endless supply of natural pain reliever.

People who laugh freely don’t need morphine and other pain killers quite as much. That’s because the feel-good hormones released into the system when you laugh not only help ease fear and anger, but also help to relieve pain. No wonder more and more people are turning to laughter yoga to ease their troubled minds and bodies. They want to tap into this and other benefits of laughter.

6. They have reduced aggression tendencies.

People who love to laugh tend to be significantly less violent and aggressive in society. That’s because laughter offers a healthy outlet for pent up negative emotions of anger and aggression. A simple chuckle; for example, can help defuse a conflict. Even better, laughing has a relaxing effect on the whole body that lasts for up to 45 minutes. This provides important psychological benefits for jolly people.

7. They have an enhanced immune system.

Another health benefit that people who love to laugh enjoy as a result of decreased stress hormones is improved oxygen intake and circulation. Laughter is also a healthy outlet for negative emotions. All of these things come together and boost immunological responses, ensuring laughers stay healthy. The number of T-cells in the body also increases when you laugh, giving the immune system a boost.

8. They get a good, regular mini-workout.

According to research conducted at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, laughter may give the same positive effect as exercise. This finding comes as no surprise considering that people who love to laugh get their shoulders moving and contract their abdominal muscles during an episode of laughter, thereby getting a welcomed mini-workout.

9. They have a radiant, youthful glow.

People who love to laugh have a radiant glow about them that not only makes them look youthful and beautiful, but also attracts others to them. That’s right, laughing can actually make you more attractive to others. According to research, men prefer women who laugh at their wit, while women tend to prefer a man who can make them laugh. A beaming smile is the most becoming accessory for your face.

10. They have stronger relationships.

People who bring laughter in their life (IE: by watching a funny movie or TV show, going to a comedy club etc.) and view life through the colorful lens of humor, strengthen bonds of love and increase intimacy. Because laughter can trigger happy feelings and foster emotional connection it also enhances relationships. Break down barriers to your happiness in all your relationships, promote group bonding and enhance teamwork by embracing laughter.

Life’s so much better and brighter when we share laughs with one another.