Excuses suck. No one does great with them. Sometimes even when these excuses seem valid, you shouldn’t just resort to it. There is no point in holing ourselves with excuses. We should always find a way to make things better and do what should be done. Besides many of these excuses that we hang ourselves with are lies.
1. “It is not possible.”
Why do you think it is not possible? If it has not worked out before that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Lies like this distract you from the big picture and the possibilities of making a success when all that surrounds you are failures. Retract this statement and focus on the positive.
2. “I am not worth a dime without a college degree.”
This excuse is so stupid. Why consume yourself with the impossibility of chasing those things that matter to you when you can succeed even without a university degree. A lot of people in our society started from nothing and became a success without a college degree.
3. “I am not good enough.”
Perhaps you come from a minority or you are physically or financially incapacitated, this should not wither your dreams and the possibility of becoming the success you can be. No one is really good enough at first, it must have taken a lot of practice and success for you to become renowned and successful. Being disadvantaged is a good start because the world always loves the underdog.
4. “I don’t have the money to do this.”
Rather than think that money is the problem, find a way that you can be of service to someone to generate the money you need. This excuse is a lie because money is not a problem but it is you playing the victim.
5. “What will people say if I did this?”
The truth is that no one is concerned about you. And this is a fact because everyone is sucked up in their world and you are the least of their problems. Even if they notice you for a second, this is temporary. Focus on permanent solutions to your challenges rather than temporary hindrances.
6. “This is who I am, I cannot change.”
Why can’t you change? Change is a constant thing. Humans are created to adapt and survive. If you are being dogmatic and do not swing with the wind of change, you will only become buried by it.
7. “I am too old for this.”
This doesn’t stick because age is more of a mindset rather than a number. You have to break out of that cocoon of being too old and start doing what needs to be done. Colonel Sanders started KFC at age 62. Why make excuses about your age. Whether it is a degree you want to earn or a company you want to start, you are not late in pursuing your goals.
8. “I am not a lucky person.”
How the world defines luck is one that is synonymous with chance. What choices you make is what affects your “luck” or chances of becoming what you want to be. Besides success is not a gamble. You have to earn it and luck only comes to play when you have gone in search of it.
9. “I will go after it after I have gotten married.”
Well it means you really don’t want to get what you are after. Marriage is a milestone that doesn’t affect your success or failure rate. Perhaps you are looking for a companion to hold your back or you are trying to marry a rich man or rich lady, your chance at becoming happy should not depend on this. You should look at the big picture and develop your credibility for marriage rather than let marriage develop your credibility.
10. “I am too busy.”
No one is too busy. Rather you have to define your priorities rather than complain that you are so busy. Being busy doesn’t answer the right questions. Rather you should free up space for what truly matters.
Featured photo credit: https://unsplash.com/ via unsplash.com
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