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Career Advice, Work

The 9 Career Hacks of Successful Marathon Runners

Written by Bruce Harpham
Bruce Harpham is a Project Management Professional and Founder and CEO of Project Management Hacks.

Marathon running is one of the most demanding sports in the world. That is why many highly successful people enjoy the sport. Ever wonder about the career benefits of running in marathons? Check out these 9 career hacks marathon runners utilize to win first prize both on the track and in the office. Whether you’re interested in occasional running or training for your next race, you’ll likely find these habits both helpful and inspiring.

1. They Know How To Set Specific Goals

For over a hundred years, the marathon distance has been set at 26 miles, 385 yards (or 42.2 Km). That well-defined distance makes setting goals easier because it encourages runners to set time goals. Setting a goal and working hard to achieve it is a key reason why marathon runners are successful. According to Mary Wittenberg, CEO of New York Road Runners, the average runner’s household income was $130,000

2. They Invest In The Right Equipment

Taking on a challenging assignment is easier when you have the right tools. That’s why marathon runners often buy top notch quality shoes and other equipment. The same principle applies in the business world. Everyone in your office may have the same basic computer. You can set yourself apart by investing in productivity books such as Getting Things Done.

3. They Work Hard Even When Nobody Is Watching

When you train for a marathon, you have to work hard to stick to your training schedule. There are a lot of mornings where you have to get up and train by yourself. That principle is valuable in the career world as well. If you need to be constantly monitored in order to be productive, your capacity to be promoted will suffer.

4. They Know That Business Is An Endurance Sport

Running a full marathon takes hours of sincere effort and weeks of strenuous training. Charlie Brown, a sports psychologist, finds that highly successful people have character traits such as focus and persistence. That means they can achieve success in a race and in the business world.

5. They Track Their Results

Marathon runners often become fixated on tracking their numbers. Runners who track their miles, times, heart rate, and other information have the ability to improve their performance. Likewise, tracking your accomplishments with a brag sheet is essential. In a marathon race, your results are clear to everyone. In the business world, you will often to have to track and present your results to be recognized.

6. They Understand The Mind-Body Connection

Taking care of your body helps improve your mental health. Entrepreneur and Authors Unite Founder Tyler Wagner regularly runs 10 miles a day. “Running keeps me balanced. It keeps me centered and calm. The run is the key to my success.” Balance and mental clarity are valuable traits as you work through major business problems.

7. They Observe Rest Days After Significant Work

Almost every marathon training plan strongly recommends rest days, especially after long runs. Resting and reflecting gives your body time to recover. Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do On the Weekend, found that planning to rest on the weekend is a common trait among successful people. Taking the time to rest gives you a fresh perspective on your challenges and goals.

8. They Know How To Motivate Themselves

Finding your own motivation is essential to running a marathon. According to Harvard Health Publications, many marathon runners “hit the wall” about five miles away from the finish line. At this stage, exhaustion becomes a major obstacle. Motivating yourself to keep working is essential in marathons and in business. For example, if you are in the sales field, making one or two more sales call per day adds up to major results over time.

9. They Network With Other Successful People

Author Jim Rohn famously observed that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Given that reality, taking up marathon running makes a lot of sense. If you want to be successful in the business world, spending time with people dedicated to tackling tough goals will inspire you. Successful people who have run marathons include actor Will Ferrell and chef Gordon Ramsay. Many leading CEOs also run marathons including Robert Iger, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, and John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile.

Featured photo credit: Runners/Skeeze via