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Health, Lifestyle

10 Morning Rituals That’ll Energize And Keep You Productive All Day Long

Written by David K. William
David is a publisher and entrepreneur who tries to help professionals grow their business and careers, and gives advice for entrepreneurs.

Early morning hours have a special quality to them. They are quiet, peaceful and scenic—the perfect time to spell out your intentions for the day and set the stage for a truly fruitful day ahead.

Establishing thoughtful morning rituals can ensure you start each day on the right footing, feeling centered, purposeful and productive.

If you are ready to jazz up your mornings, we’ve got some refreshing rituals you can incorporate into your morning routine to energize and keep you productive all day long. Enjoy.

1. Read an inspirational quote or passage of the day

Keep a stash of your favorite inspirational quotes, literary passages, bible verses or life truths on hand, and read a few of them first thing in the morning. Positive writings have a powerful effect. They’ll remind you of the values you want to live by and get you started on a bright note. You’ll feel lighter, happier and more inspired just by reflecting on an inspirational word early in the morning.

2. Meditate for 5 minutes, at least

Meditation is about keeping focus on one thing such as the rhythm of your breathing or sound of the ocean and blocking out any other distractions. It has been proven to bring so many benefits, including reducing stress, increasing focus, boosting memory, enhancing creativity, and strengthening a sense of inner peace. So meditate for five short minutes, at least. It can have a big impact on your life.

3. Take deep breaths, smile and thank the sun for rising

This ritual is about being aware and acknowledging the many blessings that we so often take for granted, such as the rising of the sun. It’s about taking a moment to remind yourself of the gift of life and the beauty of the natural physical world, including plants, animals and landscapes. If you are a religious person, this is also a great opportunity to count the blessing in your own life and thank God for them.

4. Write a gratitude journal

Don’t just say you are grateful for the blessing in your life. Write it down in a gratitude journal. Writing has a soothing, calming effect on the mind. It reassures your brain that you have recorded the blessings in a permanent place, and it can now safely move on to other things. Simply write out three things you are grateful for. Be specific and use details. For example, rather than simply writing, “I love my kids,” list something special and quirky the kids did recently that you love. It doesn’t have to take long.

5. Review your goals

Once your mind is free to focus on other things, sit down and review your goals. We all have specific things we want to accomplish in life, whether big or small. The morning hours are a great time to review them and see how far along you are in accomplishing what you set out for. This ritual can help you stay on track on your goals and allow you to make necessary adjustments to fulfill your deepest desires in life.

6. Drink a glass of lemon water

Pour water into a glass. Add a few drops of lemon juice, stir and drink. A glass of lemon water in the morning will freshen your breath, help you shake off any residual sluggishness from the night before, inject a healthy dose of vitamins into your body, reduce the feeling of hunger and aid your digestive system. It’s a refreshing and energizing way to start your day.

7. Do 7 minutes of simple yoga exercises

Just seven minutes, not 10, of yoga exercises in the morning can bring many benefits. Seven minutes is short enough that it won’t discourage you before you even start or disrupt the rest of your morning routine. The benefits you’ll get include keeping fit, increasing your lung capacity, lowering your risk of heart disease, easing anxiety and getting you out of your head for a while. A superb routine!

8. Drink an antioxidant smoothie

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’re not disputing that. But, why not try a delicious smoothie at day break and see how you like it? A healthy juicing requires little time to prepare. Just blend your fruity ingredients together (for about a minute) and you are ready. Make it as thick or smooth as you want by adding or subtracting water, and then enjoy your smoothie. It tastes great and will provide essential nutrients and vitamins your body needs in a simple and tasty form.

9. Chew some mint gum

Chewing mint-flavored gum can do more than just freshen your breath. It can also increase your mental alertness and help with cognitive function. Moreover, mint is a natural stimulant that can temporarily quicken some vital processes in your body. It can arouse you into action and have you roaring and ready to go.

10. Rock out to your favorite song

Music has a big influence on our moods and how we interpret the world. Everyone knows what it feels like to find that perfect song that gets you in the right mood. That’s exactly what you’ll want to aim for when picking and playing your favorite song(s) in the morning. Mind everyone in the vicinity, but don’t be afraid to let loose and have a good time. You’ll lift your spirits and be happy you did it throughout the day.