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Communication, Motivation

11 Traits Resilient People Use To Reach Their Goals

Being resilient is one of the most important qualities that leads to success. The definition of resilient is being able to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad has happened.

Resiliency is a mindset and one that you thoughtfully choose each day. It requires that you have great focus, determination and dedication. A great willingness and need to experience joy in your life once again. You know that you will succeed. You believe this with your whole being. There is nothing more important to success in life than being resilient. You understand this with your heart and soul.

1. They will always display mastery over their emotions

Resilient people feel strong emotions just like everyone else, but they will always take a moment or two and take a breath. They make a conscious decision to either allow this emotion to push them forward towards their goals or to allow the emotion to just blow over. This is a decision that they make with great thought and care.

2. They consistently exhibit behavior that is in sync with what they say

Resilient people will say they are going to do something and they do it, every single time. This is because their word is everything to them. They can always rely upon themselves, they know this and this is why they are resilient.

3. They are always ready for the future

Resilient people are dedicated to developing their skills. They live their lives as though the world is their classroom and it is qualifying them for their next challenge. Because of this, they are always prepared and they can accommodate quickly if needed.

4. They welcome failure and learn from it

Resilient people don’t have a fondness for failure, but they don’t run from it either. Quite the opposite, they understand that failure is there to teach them what works in life and what doesn’t. It is nothing to be feared, but something to welcome with an open mind and a willingness to learn from.

5. They are pragmatic

Resilient people are realistic. They understand and accept that nothing is guaranteed in life; employment, information, relationships, health and definitely not their future. They have no fantasy of security and will always take action no matter what.

6. They take criticism with a grain of salt

Resilient people listen attentively to criticism, then they decide if it is credible and if it is, they will take the necessary actions.

7. They focus on their process, understanding what their goals are and keeping them in sight

Resilient people are completely focused on their goals, but they stay grounded and in control. They are in the moment and this enables them to adapt and overcome difficulties.

8. They recognize the value of strong and meaningful relationships

Resilient people know that the support of their family and friends is essential in living a powerful life and in turn, they can always be counted on to support their loved ones.

9. They pat themselves on the back for each triumph they experience

Resilient people value themselves. They are delighted by all their accomplishments, no matter how modest. They celebrate every achievement towards their goals.

10. They know that their reserves are unlimited

Resilient people are always capable of doing what is required, even when they should not be. No matter what, they consistently discover that extra strength within them. It is just who they are.

11. They know their boundaries

Resilient people understand that there is a separation of who they are at their core and the cause of their momentary misfortune. The stress or trauma that is playing a part in their immediate life, will not overtake their permanent identity. They know that the clouds will eventually lift and the sun will come out.

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