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Food and Drink, Health, Lifestyle

15 Shocking Reasons Why You Should Drink Milk!

Written by Katherine Brunt

When it comes to evaluating the significance of drinking milk, there is no point of denying this aspect that it is the major source or assumed as complete food. It can also be defined as the liquid that can be produced by the mammals in mammary glands for the purpose of feeding to their young. The process of producing milk can also be found in humans and as a result the value of milk in our daily lives will not be decreased at any point of time.

But, apart from considering its benefits in daily lives, there are other aspects that should be taken into consideration. These attributes are as follows:

Milk is not much effective as expected

There is a study conducted in Sweden that suggests milk usage or consumption is not influential in protecting bones from fracture. It has also not been found very efficient in reducing the risk of heart diseases and at the same time women could suffer more hip fractures as compared to man if they consume more than normal consumption. This attribute should be taken into consideration that death rate could also be increased among humans because of increased use of milk. Therefore, these attributes should be assumed and perceived by the people in a detailed way.

Considering these aspects, there can be many reasons provided in order to suggest the importance of milk intake. Therefore, people should consume appropriate amount of milk in order to perform their daily routine activities in a proper way. These reasons can be discussed below for the sake of providing knowledge or awareness to people.

1. Calcium

This is the most common and obvious reason that why people should drink milk, as it is regarded as the effective source of providing calcium. The advantages of calcium could be perceived in the form of chronic ailments that are further described such as bone loss, cancer, headaches, and obesity among children as well.

2. Bones development

This is the major reason that can motivate people towards milk consumption as the intake of sufficient calcium could result in making bones healthy and strong. Therefore, in order to develop bones people should drink milk so that calcium is properly provided to bones.

3. Rehydration

This aspect has been observed that milk includes 95% of water and as a matter of fact, these water molecules actually help the people in managing their body hydrated.   This intake is specifically crucial for children as they are usually involved in different sorts of playing activities. In this way children can make themselves hydrated by means of drinking a glass of milk.

4. Enhancing Vitamin consumption

This is another influential reason that can persuade people because milk consumption also helps in providing minerals and other vitamins that surely aid in improving the mind and body performance.

5. Treatment of acidity

Through the help of milk usage, acidity issues could be reduced to sufficient level and cold milk has been very efficient in decreasing the acidity level all through or all over the body.

6. Complete source of food

Milk’s importance could be perceived in the form of vitamins, minerals, and other sources of energy that ultimately make the glass of milk as complete diet or food for the people.

7. Improving lifestyle

The most important contribution of this drink in our daily lives is the provision of satisfaction and sense of happiness that can be attained by means of drinking milk. People can make their lives enjoyable and worthy if they use or drink milk in an appropriate manner.

8. Source of Carbohydrates

Through drinking milk, one can attain adequate amount of carbohydrates as lactose that is assumed as crucial source of carbohydrates results in providing energy to mind and body.

9. Enhances Eyesight

The consumption of milk also improves the eyesight of people as a matter of fact appropriate intake of milk has been found helpful in strengthening the functions of eyes to a considerable level.

10. Proteins found sufficient against diseases

Milk can also be considered as a viable source of providing proteins to the body and at the same time the hairs and nails could be maintained for longer period of time. Milk consumption also develops resistance against diseases and as a result people tend to remain healthy and strong.

11. Enhances skin

The proper intake of milk can improve the skins effectiveness and as a result the personality of a person becomes attractive and appealing to others. This is because of the reason that lactic acid is also found in it that helps in smoothing the skin. At the same time amino acids that are present which helps in moisturizing the skin.

12. It fights against cancer

This is another reason that will persuade people in order to drink milk as it helps people so that they can fight against cancer in a better way.

13. It reduces the risk of obesity

This is most unnoticed and hidden advantage when it comes to analyzing the reasons so that people could start drinking milk. The reason is obvious as people become slim and smart if they consume it properly.

14. Provides shield against Diabetes

As far as the risk of type 2 diabetes is concerned, proper milk intake can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes among women.

15. Normalizes the blood pressure

The efficient intake of milk can become useful source of decreasing the high blood pressure among adults and children as well. This is because of the reason that milk contains minerals and proteins that are helpful in normalizing the blood pressure to a considerable level.

Alternatives of Milk

There are some other ways found that help in completing the requirements of milk intake to some extent. These ways could be termed as alternatives through which milk deficiency could be reduced and fulfilled.  The substitute of it could be assumed in the form of almond milk, Soy milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, coconut milk, and rice milk.

As far as the role of almond milk is concerned, this produced through the help of skinned almonds as it is considered as cost effective alternative of milk. This does not contain saturated fats and people who are calorie conscious could consume almond milk. Soy milk is arguably the first non diary milk and it is produced by means of soaking, crushing soya beans and after this process the liquid is extracted so that the could be prepared finally.

Cashew milk is another form of in which cashews are involved and it is a vital source of providing vitamin B, calcium and other nutrients. The hemp milk is important also because of its significance as this drink is produced by blending hemp seeds with water. This drink provides huge and improved level of omega 3 fat that is helpful in improving the health of a ticker.  Coconut milk is also useful when it comes to assessing the alternatives of traditional milk; this milk is developed by means of blending water with coconut water. By means of coconut milk, rate of metabolism can be increased to considerable extent.

The rice milk is another method through which milk can be substituted. This milk is made by the help of blending cooked rice along with water so that enzymes could be added in order to transform starches to sugar. This drink could be fortified with vitamin and calcium D for the purpose of enhancing the fitness levels of bones.

Final Thought

Milk could be assumed as sufficient source of improving different functions of the body and at the same time different kinds of diseases can be cured by means of milk intake. Besides some demerits of milk, it can be arguably said that milk intake is significant in enhancing the lifestyle of people.  Apart of this its advantages are numerous and its impacts could be perceived at any stage of life.

Featured photo credit: Drink Milk via