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5 Habits You Need To Practice If You Feel Tired Of Social Media

Written by Tayyab Babar
Tayyab is a PR/Marketing consultant. He writes about work, productivity and tech tips at Lifehack.

Everyone might be on social media, but everyone is not loving it. Sooner or later every Tom, Dick, and Harry will hit the point where they are bizarre and tired of putting time and energy into social media.

Social media has come to the heart of the matter where a few individuals incline toward Facebook over sex, people do status updates from their bathrooms, or even intimidate politicians, celebrities on Twitter – which is an extremely open electronic medium.

According to a survey conducted by Marist College in New York; one in five Americans regret at least one tweet, comment or text they send each month, Half of Internet users in America — 50% — think social media does more harm than good.

Social media addiction might be innate, but excess time spent on social media can intensify or stimulate symptoms of depression. Therefore, it’s no wonder people are taking breaks from social media. In case you want to keep you children away from social media, there are certain tools like WebSafety available to monitor social media activity on your smartphones, iPad, laptop or home computer.

Clearly the addiction is growing, and the numbers of people who are tired of social media are also increasing. There are some habits to adopt to keep social media addiction in check, and reduce your social media overwhelm. I hope you’ll find them useful.

1. Choose The Best Social Network

Selecting which social media platforms to utilize can be intimidating. Now -a-days it’s easy to get overwhelmed with abundant of social media platforms choices you have. Try not to stretch yourself, you don’t need to be on every one of them yet you ought to be on those that work best for you. Test them out for 3 – 6 months and reconsider which one is making you feel overpowered.

Start paying more attention to the platforms that you enjoy being on.  There isn’t any online competition to see who’s on the most social media networks. In reality, taking a slower more disciplined approach could really benefit you in the long run.

Remember the saying Jack of all trades, master of none? By using several social networks at once, you might make mistakes.

2. Define Your Social Media Strategy

Commonly people feel overwhelmed in light of the fact that they’re not certain why they are utilizing social media and don’t comprehend the success indicators for social media.

What are you planning to accomplish from consuming social media? To bring an issue to light? Make deals? Or increase sales or brand profile and make a group around it? What’s an ideal approach to take?

Recognizing what you’d like to accomplish and how you need to do it, will assist you with determining the right track.

For instance, in case you’re using social media to raise brand awareness, a pointer of achievement could be more individuals inquiring about your brand, more people alluding your brand to friends, more website traffic originating from social media pages.

3. Find Easily Linked Platforms

Find social media platforms that can be linked or integrate well with each other. It will allow auto-posting feature across platforms easily.

For instance, Facebook and Instagram can be easily linked while getting Twitter and Instagram linked is not as seamless; since Facebook purchased Instagram.  Same is the case with YouTube and Google+ because they are both owned by Google. This approach is useful if you have just started using social media and your content posting strategy is not yet varied across the platform. However, if you are more social media savvy, I recommend posting updates in customized formats which are suitable for the platform, instead of auto-posting the same content along with the same format across all platforms.

This is only a thought on the off chance that you are simply starting and you’re posting procedure is not yet changed over the stage. On the other hand, once you start to get more online networking adroit, I prescribe posting redesigns in configurations suitable for the stage rather than auto-posting the same message or arrangement over all stages.

4. Plan and Schedule Time Spent On Social Media

To build a successful social media presence you don’t have to dedicate hours a day. Having a plan and schedule in place can help you to deal with your time so you’re not continually in preparing mode, which can make you feel overwhelmed. Concentrate on making an allotted slot and engaging 2 – 3 times a day to provide useful updates, answer inquiries, post inquiries, share photographs and posts and be a human. Have every one of them prepared to go, so you can plan them out utilizing scheduling tools. Use plugins for blogs to post directly to Facebook, Twitter and Google plus and schedule it in advance.

5. Know Where Most of Your Time Is Best Spent

To wrap things up, check and utilize Google Analytics to see the top social media referred visitors to your site. Examine which social media platform drives the most traffic.

Observe which platform gives you the most return on investment (ROI). This will offer you some assistance with understanding where best to invest your energy to avoid overwhelm and desire that you should be on every one of them. In the event that you are overseeing online networking for your organization or another person, this can likewise help you justify to your client, boss or supervisor on why you’ve decided to spend more time on a particular social media platform.

Featured photo credit: Esther Vargas via