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Communication, Happiness, Motivation

9 Toxic Habits To Get Rid Of In 2016

Editor at MyCity Web

Each start of a new year is a chance for us to become better people. It’s good for us to turn back and make firm decisions about the things we don’t want to do any more. So, one New Year’s resolution everyone should adopt is leaving toxic habits in the past – where they do belong.

1. Dwelling on Past

There’s no point in wondering what could have, should have and would have been if you had done something differently. Dealing with regrets isn’t simple, but the sooner you realize that you can’t do anything about it, the happier you’ll be. If there’s something you actually can change or if there are amends you want to make, then put yourself out there and do it. If not, leave things just the way they currently are and find a way to finally make peace with them.

2. Indulging In Toxic Relationships

There’s one pretty harsh truth we should all face – some relationships can’t be fixed. People who have a hard time dealing with strong emotions will find it harder to accept this, but when you do your life will get so much easier.

Deciding to finally remove someone from your life is incredibly hard, but if you’re sure that you’ll have a healthier and happier life afterwards, you should definitely do it. Besides, decisions like this build character, and starting a year with something like this sounds promising – who knows what else you’ll be capable of doing.

3. Looking For Excuses

There’s no such thing as too late, too old or too tired – those are just things people say when they lack in motivation, will and inspiration – excuses, if you will. You can let all adventures pass you by because you’d prefer to stay in your bed, or you can actually get up and start living.

You shouldn’t allow something insignificant like excuses to stand in the way of you feeling better about yourself. The very next time you’re feeling too lazy to go to the gym or too tired to have a cup of coffee with a friend, ignore those limits you put by yourself.

4. Trying To Fit In

A lot of people out there spend their whole lives trying to figure out where they belong. It’s an endless quest, really, because you don’t find a place – you create it. And the sooner you realize that, the faster you can start working on it. You are in charge of your life and you can make a surrounding you find pleasing. A new year is a new start, and you can build everything from scratch.

5. Being Hard on Yourself

For most people, life doesn’t turn out exactly how they expect it to, and that’s one harsh truth that’s pretty difficult to cope with. And I don’t mean that everyone isn’t meant to have their “happily ever after”, just that, sometimes, that ending isn’t the version we hoped for.

Is that necessarily a bad thing? As time passes us by, we continue to strive towards some old aspirations without even stopping to reevaluate them and make sure that these wishes are still something we sincerely want. Stop for a moment and think about what you want, and stop being hard on yourself because of some things that never happened.

6. Accumulating Debts

Most people feel like they are carrying a physical burden when they owe money, no matter the amount. The fact is you don’t want to drag these shackles with you in the New Year, so should probably put your best effort into getting rid of your debt.

This is the right time to sit down, put all the numbers on a piece of paper and calculate your way out of debt. You can pick up a part-time job or do extra shifts on your current one. Sure, you won’t get any sleep or have a social life for a month or two, but it will be worth it.

7. Keeping Lousy Sleep Habits

Not enough attention is paid to our sleeping habits, although we all spend a third of our life sleeping. And as far as I’m concerned that’s the most important third because it affects the rest of your day – if you don’t have a good night’s sleep, you won’t have enough energy or will to go through your schedule.

However, you should know that going to bed early won’t do it. Everything you do affects the quality of your sleep, so you need to improve your eating habits, finally start exercising and quit bad habits like smoking.

8. Letting Fear Eat Away At You

The world isn’t a scary place – everything you’re afraid of is in your mind. Spending your days behind locked doors or avoiding people because they might hurt you isn’t living, but surviving. Living a fulfilled life means you need to get yourself out there.

Fears are deeply rooted into our subconsciousness, and dealing with them requires professional help in most cases, and you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for it. You should explore different kinds of therapies and find a suitable one – perhaps just an open conversation with a neutral party can make a significant difference.

9. Keeping Old And Unusable Things

The fact is we all get emotionally connected to objects – they become a material version of our memories. As time goes by, we tend to stock up on various items that have a meaning to us and which are completely unusable.

A selection needs to be made here, because you need to make room for new things in your life. No matter if it’s clothes or souvenirs, you need to face the fact that those things are only making a clutter in your life. Besides, all those memories will always have their place in your mind.

It sounds difficult, I know. Who knew that getting rid of things could be this overwhelming? But if this is what keeps you from being happy, you shouldn’t give it a second thought. In the end, I’d like to wish you good luck in 2016.