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Signs That You Seem Childish But You’re Actually Very Mature

Ivan is the CEO and founder of a digital marketing company. He has years of experiences in team management, entrepreneurship and productivity.

Have you always been a rebel who was opposed to growing up? I have always been like this, and I still am, but this doesn’t mean that I remained a kid. There is a big difference between how people perceive you and how you really are as a person. You may appear childish to others due to some habits which are typical for immature people, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t take care of important things in your life.

This can have a negative effect on you. Why? Simply because you will start to think that it’s true. Furthermore, this may lead you to feel bad about yourself, thinking that you are worse than everybody else since you don’t seem to be growing up. Just stop. Don’t go down that road—it won’t do you any good. Some people are boring, they stop having fun at some point, and just because you like to fool around doesn’t mean that you are doing something wrong. Here is how your childish habits may actually be signs of maturity.

You admit to not knowing things

When someone admits that he or she doesn’t know simple things, people tend to think of them as immature. For example, if you admit things like not knowing how to turn on the washing machine, it does not mean that you are incompetent. One of the major steps towards improving as a person is to face your shortcomings, so that you can correct them in the future.

You have the courage to do things that scare you

No matter if we are talking about riding a skateboard, taking martial arts courses, or asking the person you like out, you’ve got to have the guts to do it. Going for things in life and risking failure or rejection is much better than sitting in your comfort zone, watching your life pass by. This courage you have empowers you to progress in life and make changes that others are scared of.

You make quick decisions

To others, it seems like you don’t think when you make certain choices. In actual fact, you think faster than the rest, and that’s why you don’t need as much time to make a decision. Rather than thinking about the things you like, you focus on actually doing them, and this can give you an advantage at work or in other situations that require quick decision-making.

You disagree with your parents

Parents will always be parents. They like to meddle in our lives and tell us what to do even when we are fully grown. It is a common belief that, as we mature, our point of view starts to align with how our parents think. This is not true, and you prove this every time you make decisions that your parents dissaprove of. If every generation thought the same, we wouldn’t have evolved much as a civilisation.

You admit you’ve been hurt in the past

Talking openly about your feelings is a healthy thing and it helps you deal with your past. Insecure people don’t like showing their human side and how fragile they are. By speaking openly about your hardships, you overcome baggage and become a more stable person who cannot be shaken by similar things.

You enjoy sitting home and watching your favorite TV shows

After a hard day at work, the thing you like doing the most is to prepare some tasty food and binge watch your favorite TV shows. You’ve outgrown partying all the time and you now enjoy partying at home with a popular epic fantasy series rather than with people. Who needs people when you have Game of Thrones, right?

You like sleeping

This is one of the things on which you disagree with your parents, and even your friends. You like to go to sleep when you feel like it. Even though people think you are lazy, you know that getting a good night’s sleep is essential for being fresh and ready for each new day. There is no point in staying awake if you are incapable of performing the simplest of tasks.

You go crazy when you party

You don’t go out very often, since you like to take a good nap or watch TV, but when you do, you go out with style. In a way, you try to make up for everything you’ve been missing out on during your night out and do crazy things, meet new people, drink and dance, even if you don’t really know how to do it. You simply don’t care! The important thing is that you’ve fulfilled the need to do meaningless things and you’ve recharged your batteries for the next week.

You speak honestly

Beating around the bush is not your favorite thing and you like to tell it like it is. If you dislike someone, you will let them know, because there is no need for pretending. Adults don’t waste time on things that they don’t like, and that’s why being honest with others and yourself gets you where you want to be.

You try to have fun as much as you can

When you have some free time on your hands, you like to make the most of it. You enjoy doing things you’ve always dreamed of doing and have no shame when it comes to trying something new. Others may think you are crazy, but you don’t care. Being mature doesn’t mean that you have to be old, and why should you care if others don’t know how to enjoy life?

These are just a few of the significant signs that you are probably more mature than you (and others!) might think. Being mature is very important for making progress in your career, improving your life skills, and having meaningful relationships. However, I will always nurture the child in me. Sometimes, it’s better to have a less serious outlook on life, and through this perspective, you can even come up with positive solutions to serious issues.