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8 Creative Home Projects You Didn’t Know You Could Do-It-Yourself

Written by Al Gomez
SEO Expert and Entrepreneur

Decorating and organizing your home can be pretty expensive. With lots of materials to buy and people to hire, home improvement can dent your savings.  However, did you know that there are innovative ways to decorate and organize your home without spending too much?

Yes, with materials you already have and without getting the services of other people, you can decorate your home according to what you want. Here are some suggestions for DIY home projects to help you create your dream home.

1. Lighting Fixtures

A good lighting will give your home more warmth and space. This is why most homeowners consider lighting fixtures essential. For instance, around 55% of homeowners consider lighting (specifically skylights) desirable and essential in their homes. However, according to HomeAdvisor, installing lighting fixtures would cost around $150 to $872. That’s pretty harsh on the budget.

DIY Pendant Lights
    Credit: Sherry Nothingam (

    Instead of breaking the bank to install new lighting fixtures, why don’t you just enhance what you already have? You can start a DIY pendant lights project, which can enhance can transform your old lighting into attractive lighting fixtures. You don’t need to buy materials when doing this project. Look around your home and re-purpose materials you no longer need – like empty plastic bottles, strings, and scrap tin cans. You are ready to light up your home already, and you didn’t even know it.

    2. Shelving Units

    Whether you are living in an apartment or a house, at some point, space will be an issue. There will come a point when you just have too many things to fit in your home. A DIY shelving unit will give you more space and at the same time give your home a cooler ambiance.

    DIY shelves

      Materials for your DIY shelves can be found at your local home improvement store. You will need wooden boards, pipes of different sizes, bolts, an assembly diagram, and building tools. Follow these steps and you will have an extra space to organize your stuff.

      3. 3D Wall Decorations

      DIY 3D Wall art
        Credit: le FabShop (

        3D wall decorations provide your home with a contemporary look. It is not as difficult as it looks to have a 3D wall decoration for your home. While searching online, I found these safari-themed 3D designs. You can download and print them out to help you create and assemble the design. All you need is 3mm or 6mm cardboard and double-face tape or nail to attach for decoration on the wall.

        4. Storage Bins

        DIY Storage Solutions

          Let’s face it, those tiny clutters in your desks can sometimes be frustrating. You can minimize the clutter in your room and organize your stuff by using empty containers of disinfectant wipes. Use these DIY hanging bins in your room to hold all of your little hair accessories, pens, and craft materials in your desk. You can also hang them in your bathroom or anywhere you think they are suited to be.

          5. Large Storage Systems

          Are you tired of seeing those cardboard boxes everywhere? As a homeowner, cardboard boxes will always come in handy in storing seasonal home decorations, clothing, and bedding. However, these cardboard boxes can also be an eyesore when there is no place for you store them. One good idea to get rid of these eyesores is to make use of dead spaces.

          DIY Sliding Storage System
            Credit: DIY experts (

            This step-by-step DIY sliding storage system will help you organize stuff in dead spaces and avoid stacking cardboard boxes in one corner for your house. You will need a few runs to your local home centers for materials like plywood, carriages, and screws. Follow the instructions carefully and in no time, you will have a sliding storage system to keep large items tucked away.

            6. Magnetic Kitchen Rack

            Are you looking for a way to organize your kitchen tools and at the same time keep easy access to them whenever you need them? How about using some of your magnets to make a kitchen rack.

            DIY Sliding Storage System
              Credit: tzny (

              By using powerful magnets from hard drives or other unused tools, you can create a DIY magnetic rack for your kitchen utensils. For example, check out this magnetic knife rack using hard drive magnets. However, when doing this DIY, make sure you place it on a safe area where children can’t reach it. You may also want to place a catch basket or container below so whenever the magnet loses its grip, no one will get hurt.

              7. DIY Stairs Decorations

              DIY staircase

                If you want to add a bit of playfulness to your house, you don’t need to makeover your whole place. A simple tweak in your staircase will do the trick. With a little bit of creativity, you can design your staircase as anything you want. You can create a changeable chalkboard, waves of wallpapers, or a mosaic mirror which will help set a fun mood in your room.

                8. Mini Indoor Garden

                If you want to add a more natural look to your home, you can create a mini indoor garden to decorate your room. Using used tin cans and wooden pegs, you can create creative flower pots to place small indoor plants in. Then you can display it on the dining room table.

                DIY mini garden

                  Another interesting DIY for containers and old, worn out things is to create an improvised mini indoor dish garden. Old containers like your dusty piano case can be used to create a dish garden.


                  Make use of online technology and search for other DIY home projects to try creating for your home. There are still plenty of them online. Always remember that in achieving your dream home, sometimes all it takes is a little creativity and resourcefulness.

                  Featured photo credit: lifeofpix via