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4 Major Fashion Faux Pas Men Should Never Be Guilty Of

Written by Matt Duczeminski
A passionate writer who shares lifestlye tips on Lifehack

The manner in which men dress has been common fodder for sitcoms for quite some time now. From Tim Taylor’s “Suit in a Bag” to Barney Stinson’s never-ending “Suit Up” sessions, men are seemingly always coming under fire to making odd fashion choices.

While these faux pas are good for a laugh while watching TV, you never want to be caught on the receiving end of such laughter in the real world. No matter if you’re attending a fancy dinner or simply going to the store for some bread and milk, you should always pay close attention to what you’re wearing, and what it says about you to a passersby.

Not Adhering to a Dress Code

This is number one when it comes to men’s fashion faux pas. Dress codes are not a suggestion – they are a requirement. From streetwear to black tie, you should always know exactly how you’re expected to be dressed whenever you leave your home.

You should never take liberties when it comes to a dress code – especially in your workplace. For example, if your office requires smart casual with a tie, you better make sure you have a tie on at all times. You might be tempted to leave it at home every once in a while, but doing so will make others believe that you don’t think you need to follow the rules. It sounds fairly innocuous, but you really don’t want to give your employer any reason to think you’re a rebel.

On the other hand, sometimes dressing too well can make you stand out just as much as dressing down. If your office dress code is business casual and you come in every day wearing a suit and tie, you might come off as a little pretentious. Similarly, if you’re too dressed up when attending a specific occasion, the host may think you have some place better to be after you leave his gettogether.

Either way, if you’re unsure of how to dress for a specific occasion, ask a friend or colleague before you make any assumptions.

Wearing Socks With Sandals

Seriously: What’s the point of wearing sandals if you’re going to wear socks under them in the first place?

Apparently, in the past few years, certain celebrities have been trying to make wearing socks with sandals a thing. Thankfully, though, it really hasn’t caught on.

Not only does it simply look ridiculous, but it also makes no sense from a logistical standpoint. You usually wear sandals on the beach or by the pool, right? And you do this because it makes it easier for sand to slip away from the crevices of your footwear, right? So why would you want to complicate the whole process by adding a layer of fabric that will ultimately make you uncomfortable?

If you’re going somewhere in which it’s acceptable to wear sandals, do yourself a favor and leave your socks in the drawer at home.

Wearing White Socks With Dress Shoes

Speaking of sock faux pas, if you’re out of high school you probably shouldn’t own too many pairs of white socks in the first place. And you definitely should never wear white socks to any occasion calling for dress shoes. Aside from the fact that white socks simply look out of place when worn with dress shoes, there are many reasons you should go with blue, black, or brown socks when dressing up.

It’s easily noticeable when white socks get dirty. If you scuff your shoe on them, or if they’re soap-stained, people will see it. On the other hand, if you just wore black socks, these minute scuffs and stains would easily have gone under the radar.

White socks are most commonly synonymous with gym socks. Even if they are technically clean, it’s just disrespectful to show up to someone’s wedding or other rather formal affair wearing the same articles of clothing you wear while working out. You wouldn’t wear sweatpants to a similar occasion, would you? Just because your socks aren’t as obvious as the rest of your clothing doesn’t mean you can get away with it.

Wearing Clothing That Doesn’t Fit

You might have thought baggy clothing looked cool on you in 9th grade – and you were wrong. You also might have thought that tight-fitting white T-shirt you started wearing after you started working out made you look muscular – and you were wrong.

In both of these cases, you’re sacrificing comfort for what (you think) looks good. Jeans that are too loose are tough to get around in. Sleeves of shirts that are too big can get caught on just about anything. Shirts and pants that are too tight are incredibly restricting. You can’t look all that cool if your clothes are getting in the way of your body’s natural movements.

Wearing clothes that don’t fit might stem from the fact that you hate clothes shopping, so you never try on before you buy, and you never return anything as long as it’s “good enough.” But if you put in a little effort up front into what you wear, you’ll end up being as comfortable as possible each time you put on your new outfit.

Featured photo credit: Socks With Sandals / Kat / Flickr via