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Brain Power

How to Create Powerful Thought Frequencies

Written by Dawn Ferrara

Every thought vibrates. Powerful thought frequencies are created now, in this very moment, with each single thought using the Law of Vibration. Whether the thoughts produce high frequency or low frequency outputs is all under your own control. You get to choose what you want to think. What amazing powers we possess!

These powers are then able to create the life we want to experience. Using our thoughts, approximately 60,000 of them per day, you are able to harnesses a power or frequency which then draws another thought just like it and then another and then another and so on.

“Our thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space. Thought is the most potent vibration – so this means you can attract to you what you want and wish.” – Law of vibration

3 Step Process to Create Powerful Thought Frequencies

Step 1

Pick one of the areas of your life you would like to improve by evaluating your current situation. Some areas could be your career, relationships, health, money, weight or anything else you want to improve. Let’s try this out together and pick career as an example.

Step 2

Now write the first 3 thoughts that pop into your mind related to this area. Here are the ones related to career.

Step 3

Now move those thoughts to a higher vibrational thought. For example:

  • I am happy to have a job and a better one is on it’s way.
  • I am so thankful for the current role I have and I am able to make the best out of it each day.
  • I am so grateful I have money to pay my expenses and make the money I do make.

Without seeing any concrete results of changes yet, the feelings of these thoughts are higher and vibrate with a much more optimistic and positive feeling. You are now creating Powerful Thought Frequencies. Doing this each time you think a slow, low, fearful, worrisome or negative thought, you will experience changes beginning to happen internally within your mind.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nicola Tesla

Thoughts are a form of energy that carry a certain frequency and emit a vibration into the world. Depending on the thought, it will determine the level of that frequency and vibration. As you begin the 3 step process above, focus on one area in your life for the next 21 days. Assess that area after the 21 days have passed and notice the improvements you feel inside. See if you can sense any change within. Then the real fun begins. Watch for the changes taking place externally.

Powerful thought frequencies can be created for all areas of your life with just the decision to focus and become aware of the thoughts that your mind has been thinking. Just the awareness of the very thoughts your mind has been creating will be the path to a better life in any area you choose.

“You are a unique frequency, created by the level of the powerful thought frequencies you are manifesting in each moment.” – Aurora

Often we feel like the victim of all the external forces happening around us. By understanding what is happening within the mind itself, the first step has been taken by you – the person who will effect your life more than anyone else in the world. Thoughts are one of the most powerful sources of energy in the world and controlling them versus them controlling you takes your power back into your life.

“If only you realized how powerful your thoughts were, you would alter any negative thought immediately into a more higher vibrational state.” – Aurora

Eureka, you have discovered your inner powers that quantum physics is now proving. Embrace this new, internal power you have always possessed and just now rediscovered. Awaken in this moment and claim your power with each powerful thought frequencies created now.