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The Amazing Benefits of Raspberries + 5 Great Recipes

Written by Brian Wu, MD
Health Writer, Author

Raspberries are such a delicious addition to any meal that is it easy sometimes to forget they are actually good for you! But the truth is that the benefits of raspberries are far-reaching and can help you prevent or control many serious conditions. Read on to find out just what raspberries can do for you.

Raspberries can Slow the Aging Process

Raspberries – like blueberries and acai berries – are a rich source of antioxidant compounds like phenols and anthocyanins, the substance that gives them their deep, rich color. These antioxidants are an important part of any healthy diet because they reduce the free radical damage to cells that speeds up the aging process and can contribute to chronic disease. The more antioxidants you can get into your diet, the overall better your health will be.

Raspberries Can Help Strengthen Your Immune System

Whether you realize it or not, your body is under attack every day from a variety of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. This can lead to minor but irritating illnesses like colds, flu or other respiratory infections. However, a diet which includes foods like raspberries can strengthen your immune system and make these minor infections less likely.

Raspberries can Help You Burn Fat

One of the most recent discoveries about raspberries that has scientists so excited is the fact that rheosmin, a compound found in this little fruits, might make it easier for the body to burn fat. It does this by increasing the activity of enzymes which, in turn, increase the oxygen use and heat production of fat cells, making them easier to burn. It is also believed that rheosmin might be able to reduce the body’s ability to digest and absorb fat that it gets from foods. More research is underway.

Raspberries can Help Your Digestion

Convenience food is – well – convenient and in this busy society, this makes it incredibly popular. Unfortunately, most processed foods are not only high in simple carbohydrates and saturated fat, they are also low in fiber and this can lead to slowed digested, bloating, gas and constipation, among other problems. Fiber can help, however, to increase the efficiency of your digestion and keep your bowels regular. And a single cup of raspberries will give you around 32% of the fiber you need for the day!

Raspberries Reduce Inflammation

You probably know that inflammation is the culprit for people who have conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. What you may not realize is that a lot of other serious diseases – like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer – can be made worse or even partially caused by the inflammatory process. Again, your diet makes a big difference and eating raspberries is one of the best choices you can make: it is chuck-full of anti-inflammatory compounds like ellagic acid, which acts as a COX-2 inhibitor to block this inflammatory enzyme before it can do any damage.

Raspberries can Help Prevent Cancer

In several animal studies involving a variety of cancer forms (breast, colon, esophagus and cervix), the active compounds in raspberries have found to be effective against this disease in a number of ways. It appears to be able to reduce the reproductive rate of cancer cells and also encourages cell death (called apotosis), while leaving healthy cells alone.

Raspberries Help Control Blood Sugar

Blood sugar control is the key to day-to-day management of diabetes – but it can also be incredibly challenging to keep these levels in a normal range. Raspberries make this challenge easier because they contain compounds which block certain enzymes that break down starch into sugars and release those sugars into the bloodstream. They are also low in fiber and low on the glycemic index, which also means that they allow for good blood sugar control.

Raspberries Can Prevent Bleeding Problems

Okay, blood clotting is probably not high on your list of health concerns! However, it is important that your blood does clot properly, especially if you are going in for surgery or have a minor cut, in order to prevent a problem with excessive bleeding. Raspberries can help because they are loaded with Vitamin K, which blood cells need to be able to form clots and stop bleeding from a wound or surgical incision.

Raspberries are Easy to Use in a Variety of Fun and Flavorful Dishes!

If you are eager to try more raspberries in your diet, check out these delicious and simple recipes below!

1. Raspberry Smoothie


    2. Raspberry Granola


      3. Raspberry Sorbet


        4. Raspberry Parfait


          5. Raspberry Bundt Cake


            So give one of these recipes a whirl today and start cashing in on the variety of health benefits that raspberries can bring.