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4 Quick Ways to Protect Your Home From Pests

Written by Charles Crawford

Nothing ruins a nice, comfortable summer in your home than a bug problem. Even if your home isn’t facing a total bug infestation, having just a few of these pests about your house can be annoying. If you’re expecting some uninvited guests, there are a few improvements you can make to your home to lessen the chance of the bugs getting in.

1. Install Screens on Your Windows

Chances are, your windows already have bug screens installed, and if they don’t, this should be your number-one fix! Installing bug screens in your windows is an easy way to prevent insects from making your house their home. Nowadays, you can buy window screen kits that you can easily install yourself.

Even if your home does have bug screens fitted into your windows, you should do a double-check to make sure there aren’t any holes and that the gaps aren’t large enough for any insects to get through. It only takes one entryway for you to face a nasty problem that could easily be avoided.

2. Secure Other Insect Entry Points

Windows are the obvious point of entry point, but they’re not they aren’t the only way bugs can get in. There are other entry points for bugs that you might not see unless you look closely.

Take a bug’s point of view: are there gaps in your doors and window frames? What about around the piping that enters your home? A window screen isn’t going to be much help if there are these other easy ways for bugs to get in. You can fix up gaps and cracks in an afternoon just by applying some caulk or sealant to the affected areas. Be sure to also check areas that you might not visit often, such as the basement and the attic.

3. Keep Your House Clean

While you can do your best to keep bugs out, there’s still a chance that they’ll still be able to find a way in. Perhaps you leave a door open for too long, or you have pets that bring some inside along with them. And if you’ve got a messy house, you’re supplying bugs with food and places to reproduce, making your insect problem exponentially worse.

As long as you keep a clean house, there will be little reason for bugs to stick around and multiply. This means doing the dishes on a regular basis, wiping up messes, keeping your house dry, and taking out the trash regularly. Your house doesn’t need to be spotless and perfect – after all, whose is? – but as long as it isn’t dirty, you should be in the clear.

4. Repel Bugs With Home Remedies and Chemicals

If things get too bad, simple prevention won’t work anymore. When faced with a bug infestation, you’ll have to get to the root of the problem and actively seek out and kill the bugs that have taken over your home. Leaving citrus peels near problem areas and lighting candles are some ways to keep bugs away.

But, if you’ve got a disaster on your hands, you’ll want to head to your local supermarket and pick up some bug traps and repellent sprays. If the problem becomes serious enough, consider calling in an exterminator before the bugs cause irreparable damage to your house. This will cost you money, but it saves you from health issues and having to make repairs to your home.

Nobody wants to spend money on pricey bug-killing chemicals or having their house fumigated, but unfortunately, lack of house care and bug prevention can quickly lead to these problems. Save your money and your sanity by spending some time making sure your house is bug-proof.

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