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Your Complete Guide to Deciding Between Private or Group Learning

Written by Sean Kim
Sean is the founder and CEO of Rype, a language learning app. He's an entrepreneur and blogger.
There is no set or standard rule regarding which is better when it comes to group or private learning. Whether you’re learning a language, new instrument, or any new skill, you have to know how you learn best. For some students, a private lesson may be better, and for other students a group setting may work. It also depends on what is being taught, what the students are expected to do, and if the student actually wants to learn.

This is what we’ll explore today, we hope it helps you make a sounder decision.

Advantages of group learning

    • Group interaction is common in classrooms and such interaction may help improve a student’s motivation.
    • People in groups are able to support each other if a suitable atmosphere and environment are created.

    Disadvantages of group learning

    • More commitment is needed because it is very easy to slack off in a group setting.
    • The lessons go too slow for those that excel and too fast for those that struggle.
    • The student has to work his or her schedule around getting to class at the right time.
    • Just one disruptive element may slow the progress of everyone in the class.

    Advantages of private lessons

      • People usually learn faster with private lessons. This may also lower the cost of the learning process overall.
      • Adaptive teaching is far easier when a student is one-on-one with a teacher.
      • Private lessons allow a student and teacher to concentrate on the student’s goals.

      Disadvantages of private lessons

      • Staying focused all the way through a lesson can feel difficult.
      • Private lessons can be a bigger investment.
      • Teachers and students with conflicting personalities may struggle, if you don’t find the right teacher.

      Group classes have worked for years in public schools where many of the students are forced into classrooms. It consists of having one instructor teaching a group of 10 to 30 students, which means you’ll need to share the attention of teachers with other students. As the saying goes, “you only learn as fast as the slowest student in the classroom”, so if you’re a motivated learner with the desire to learn fast, classes may be a frustrating experience.

      On the other hand, students can benefit by interacting and learning from each other in a group setting. It helps build confidence as they see other people both excel and struggle. The people they see struggling make the others feel better because they see how being “wrong” or getting it incorrect is nothing to be embarrassed about.

      There are hundreds of benefits to private lessons, and the main one is that you’re getting the full attention of a teacher, who can understand your needs, proficiency, and goals. Whether you’re a motivated student or not, having a private teacher will help you learn significantly faster, which is no different than getting better results with a personal trainer than a group fitness class.

      The good news is that gaining access to a private teacher can be less expensive than going through classes, especially if you’re learning a language online where you can work with teachers around the world. This is because schools have to deal with the overhead and staffing costs, which often means premium prices to make up for the premium costs they’re incurring.

      Which should you choose?

      There’s no right or wrong answer here. It comes down to what’s important for you and self-awareness on how you best learn. In terms of cost, classes and private lessons may not differ so much if you’re learning online.

      If you’re a self-motivated learner who thrives in group settings and love communicating with others, then group learning could be the best option for you.

      If you have a busy schedule and want the full accountability of having a personal teacher, then private lessons is the route to go.