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10 Study Hacks for Getting Better Grades

Written by Sasha Brown
Seasoned Blogger

You know as well as anyone else that not every method for studying works the same for everyone. However, there are a number of tips to use in order to study better and get better grades. Ideally, you will use these hacks for studying through the whole year, and not just when exams come around. Try not to overload yourself with trying them all at once though. That said, some can be used hand-in-hand.

1. Utilize Caffeine

Caffeine aids in kicking the brain into gear for studying. It is most beneficial when used in small breaks throughout studying, rather than in one huge dose prior to studying. This will ensure that your brain gets continual kick starts, as opposed to one huge jolt followed by a dramatic crash.

2. Talk to your Teachers

These are the people that make all of your tests, so take the time to talk with them. You will be able to gain insight into how they are thinking, allowing you to study in a way that will benefit you when taking tests. It won’t hurt to ask your teachers what they will be looking for on the test and find out exactly what you will need to study.

3. Use Mnemonic Strategies

Making up your own allow you to remember sequences and key concepts with ease. This does take a bit of time, but creating your own mnemonic devices is the difference between active learning and passive learning. This strategy has proven to improve an individual’s ability to remember. If you don’t want to make up your own, search the internet for some that relate to the subject that you are studying.

4. Chew Gum When Studying

Studies have shown that when you chew gum, your focus and concentration are boosted. Don’t stop there! You can also chew gum while you are taking a test or exam. This forms a connection in the brain that will help you remember what you studied while you were chewing gum. This kind of study hack is called context dependency.

5. Block Out Distractions

Aim to avoid extraneous activities on your computer, tablet, or phone while studying. Try to turn them off and place them in another room. If you don’t have enough self-restraint, there are free apps that will restrict your access to specified websites for a predetermined amount of time.

6. Tackle it in Small Portions

When there is a large portion of information that needs to be learned, break it down into smaller, more manageable portions. Don’t do it all at once. Rather, you should aim to learn a different portion each day. Furthermore, do not start a new portion until you have the current one down.

7. Try Studying in a New Space

Aim to switch up where you study every day. When you change studying spaces, it will force your brain to form new memories each time, making it more likely that you will retain the new material.

8. Read Your Notes Out Loud

Read them out loud to yourself, with a friend, or even to your cat. When you speak and hear the words, it will help to reinforce the material in a new way. When you find a partner, this study hack will benefit both of you.

9. Read Before the Lecture

This is the best way to get the most out of your classes. It will reinforce the material—twice. It will also help you answer questions that your teacher poses to the class.

10. Study with the Right Music

Unfamiliar music or ambient noise has the potential to boost productivity. Remember though, that familiar music has the potential to have the opposite effect. There are plenty of ways to find the right type of noise. Finding an internet radio station with instrumental music or video game soundtracks will do the trick.