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12 Effortless Ways to Show Love to Yourself

Written by Sasha Brown
Seasoned Blogger

Living life is a constant work in progress for each person, but that doesn’t mean that you should get so caught up that you neglect showing yourself love. Break down the walls preventing you from self-love, and enrich your life.

1. Tell Yourself What You Love About Yourself

Many times, we get caught up in everything around us that we forget to remind ourselves just how awesome we are. Our own disappointment, acceptance, patience, and love that we have for ourselves will always reflect what we show others.

2. Accept Imperfection

One of the most worthwhile things that we can do for ourselves is to give up on being perfect, and start the journey to become our true selves. The best part of that journey is to return to feeling peace within ourselves. This peace comes from training your mind to process life as it actually is, rather than what you think it should be.

3. Know That the Approval of Others Doesn’t Matter

Oftentimes people greatly value having the approval of others, even when it isn’t clear exactly what would gain their approval. According to Gifts Ready to Go, you should instead focus on doing what is right for your own self, disregarding what others will think. You do not need anyone’s permission to be happy.

4. Bring Distance Between Yourself and Those Who Bring You Down

Worry less about the people in your life that are not worrying about you. You should surround yourself with those who inspire you, respect you, love you, and support you.

5. Make the Changes You Know Are Necessary

When you know that you want to see changes in your life, you will need to do things that you’ve never done before. Aim to stay away from the things that tear you down, and gravitate toward the things, activities and thoughts that fulfill you in the way that you want.

6. Let Go of Your Past Self

A part of life is that good people like you will sometimes make bad choices. Sure, past mistakes make up who you are today, but they do not define you. It is never too late to move on from them – dwelling will only lead to hurt. Accept the mistakes and actively live a truly good life.

7. Be Grateful For Who You Are and What You Have

You will never get everything that you want, nobody does. But remember – there are so many people who do not have a fraction of what you have right now. Use this frustration to motivate you to take action rather than to stew in annoyance.

8. Each Day, Do Something That Makes You Happy

Do the things that you care deeply for. Practice self-love by doing the things that move you. Express your creativity by drawing. Cook something that is simple, there are many recipes using a food processor that take little effort.

9. Believe in Your Abilities

Anything is possible for you! All that you have to do is believe in yourself, know what you want, claim it, and believe that you deserve to have it.

10. Listen to Your Intuition and Be Honest With Yourself

This will allow you to live with integrity. Be genuine in everything that you do. You will be able to do what you know is right, and what is right for you.

11. Go Out of Your Way to Love Others, As Well

This is karma at its best. Those who love themselves will come across as generous, caring, and kind. Their confidence is expressed through humility and forgiveness, so seek to understand before judging.

12. Don’t Be Too Serious

Self-pity comes from taking life too seriously, which will lead to self-misery. Taking life too seriously will make you fear each new step that you take. Surround yourself with those who have a good sense of humor, and a good sense of life. Treat yourself to something special – I’m sure you’ve been saving up gift ideas.