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The 5 People You Can Meet in a Golf Course

Written by Olivia Taylor

Hint: It’s not just your caddy.

When someone is looking for the best golf stay and pay package, he or she is possibly hoping to enjoy some lavish indulgences. However, everybody has a different approach to a golf vacation. While many greatly value the social aspect of the game and consider the course an ideal setting for meeting new people, others view a golf vacation as the perfect way to reunite with childhood pals and rekindle old flames. Some go on a golf vacation to network with people that matter for their businesses.

Others find the fairways to be the perfect place to come face to face with their inner selves. Socializing is a big part of golfing as the idyllic setting of a golf course provides ample opportunities to people looking to know a person or a group on a more personal level and subsequently forge a deeper relationship. A golf vacation can do wonders for you if you are looking forward to bonding with the following types of people:

1. Future Business Partner

Fairways are more conducive to business deals than a boardroom where you can have only measured interactions. A golf course allows people to get to know one another in a more relaxed environment. You can even make use of your golfing skills to impress your future partner. One point to be noted, though — a chance encounter at the golf course does not automatically grow into a powerful connection. You need to have some planning to grow a casual nicety into something real.

2. Future Life Partner

Meeting your perfect partner is said to be written in the stars. So what do we singles do about this? Well, you have two choices – either sit and wait for the right person to cross your road or simply venture to write your own destiny and be at the right places at the right time to meet your future soul-mate. All of us are busy and it’s not easy to find a person with whom you may want to spend your whole life. However, golf might help. Wondering how? The scenic backdrop, a relaxed pace of the game and the long walk through the course would all play the cupid for you, while the shared passion ensures that it is least likely that you two would get bored of each other very soon.

3. Old Pal

Life would not be as nearly exciting without friends. And nothing could be more fun than bumping into an old pal from college or even high school. Any reunion has enormous elements of drama and when the meeting happens in the fairways, after a long hiatus, it carries with it the potentials of a blockbuster. Walk side by side reliving the happy memories and sharing a good laugh over the shared past, crack jokes on one another’s swings or just buzz it out in the clubhouse in the evening, a golf vacation is a perfect way to reconnect with a long-lost friend. Catching up with an old friend is an extremely happy occasion and a golf outing can facilitate that without making any one of you feel creepy or awkward.

Old Pal

    4. Characters of Your Future Book

    Does an author reside inside you who has always dreamt of taking the literary world by storm? But do your gray cells refuse to cooperate whenever you hit the keyboard so that you stop short of creating intriguing characters that would make your readers think, laugh and cry? Again, a golf course is the place, where you can find interesting characters for your future book.

    From utterly annoying to hilariously funny and from the loner to the ultimate gossipy – a golf course is more like an enormous open book that would let you make a detailed study into human characters. You will come across that hot-tempered guy who makes a good candidate for the anger management program that your boss was talking about the other day. Let him miss another swing on the par and see the balls, caps, stray branches and other things fly across the green. And the language? It would sure make Tiger Woods run for cover!

    Then there might be that fashion hara-kiri guy, whose attire will make you feel like you are watching a 1929 Ryder Cup match. Should you be spending your weekend in a golf resort, you are expected to come across a whole gamut of colorful characters. Study them in between playing your shots, and you will have your plate full for your maiden novel.

    5. Yourself

    The personality of a human being is the sum total of multiple aspects. Sometimes we strive to hide certain parts of our character from ourselves, simply because we consider them bad, and so undesirable. This tendency is only normal, as every person strives to be perfect. But all of us have some elements of gray areas inside us. Like them or not, they are only valid parts of our personality. It is because of the pressure of the socially acceptable norms dictating the line between ‘acceptable’ and unacceptable’ that we tend to mask them or bury them deep into our subconscious.

    But at some point of time, you must come face to face with yourself and see yourself as who you really are. It is important because meeting the real you and facing reality actually make you come to terms with life, ultimately making you happy. There cannot be any better place than a golf ground, where you can discover the inner you, perhaps for the first time in life. This introspection can go a long way to enrich yourself.

    All sports have immense emotional and health benefits. It is, however, the social side of golf that differentiates the gentleman’s game from any other outdoor games. Whether you are in search of your life partner or simply seeking to stand face to face with yourself for some honest introspection, a golf course is a place to be. Availing the luxury of the best stay and play golf package in an exotic golf destination is absolutely worth if you are looking forward to meeting the right people and nurture long-term relationships.

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