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Productivity, Productivity Hack

6 Productivity Myths You Should Stop Paying Attention to

Written by Casey Imafidon
Specialized in motivation and personal growth, providing advice to make readers fulfilled and spurred on to achieve all that they desire in life.

In this digital age, there seems to be an abundance of information. We want to know so much about self-improvement and how to meet our career goals. The truth however is that, amidst all the information there are lies that distorts the facts.

To reach your goals and be more productive, you have to be better informed and follow strategies that deliver results rather than become a victim of the many “How To’s” out there.

So yes, we want to adopt the right tools in our profession to get more done and to reach our goals. But however even with the right tools, your effort to become more productive can be thwarted. Here are 6 productivity myths you should learn to avoid and the actual facts related to the truth of the situation.

Myth 1:

You need to multitask to get more done. And this won’t cause any problem.


When you try to do so much at once, you hardly accomplish anything at all. It is more productive to finish one task at a time. Rather than multitask, focus on prioritizing and concentrating on actions that are more important first. When you can achieve a task purposefully, you are motivated to go further to another project not only with a sense of accomplishment, but also with positivity and confidence.

Myth 2:

You have to work harder to be more productive.


Such a myth has propelled careerists to become busy for the sake of showing how hard they work. However, productivity is not about how much work you put in, but how result-oriented you are on the task you have set out to accomplish. It is not productivity when you burden yourself with time consuming tasks. Prioritizing and focusing on relevant matters can help you attain more after all.

Myth 3:

Working Remotely can hurt your productivity.


This myth may have been true years ago, but the workplace is constantly evolving. In fact there are studies to show that people who work from home are actually more productive and happier. With modern technology you can actually do those tasks you do in an office environment also at home. Working remotely can be effective if your environment is free from distractions, it really doesn’t matter where you are working from.

Myth 4:

Pressure makes you work smarter


According to experts, it is wrong to assume that you are more creative and can get the job done when you are under pressure. Actually you are less likely to collaborate and have a better angle to your ideas. While staying off pressure can help you produce excellent work, when you are under pressure you are more likely to produce average and shoddy work.

Myth 5:

Breaks are inessential and you can power through work.


It is necessary to have a solid break schedule. You are better able to handle tasks mentally and physically, when you take the needed break your body needs. Taking breaks relieve stress and increase your productivity. According to a study, taking frequent breaks improve your focus, creativity and productivity. Co-author of the study, John Trougakos, admits that, “all efforts to control behavior, to perform and to focus draw on that pool of psychological energy. Once that energy source is depleted, we become less effective at everything that we do.” To attain more productivity in a work environment, the focus should not be on working longer, but on working smarter and taking as many breaks as possible.

Myth 6:

There is a general rule to productivity


Everyone is different and peculiar. What works for ‘A’ may not be applicable to B. You cannot generalize a productivity system, rather it is smarter to identify what works best for you. It may not be accomplished at once, but by trying and experimenting with different techniques you can find out how to make the best use of your time and energy.

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