Over the past week, I’ve been fortunate enough to experience frequent moments of deep peace while walking my dog, running errands, and in particular, talking to strangers. One thing I’ve come to learn is that peace comes from within. This means you have total control over how much peace you experience and attract into your life.
Peace is a feeling, experience, and way of being. It can’t be bought or sold. It can’t be forced on you or taken away from you. Peace is yours to be experienced no matter what is going on around you, no matter where you are, and no matter what you own. Peace lives in our hearts and is our natural state of being. Sometimes we just need to go back inside to find it again.
The key to experiencing more peace in your life is to create a mindset and lifestyle that eliminates fear and allows peace to easily enter anytime. Here are five mindsets and tools you can use to bring about more inner peace to your life.
1. Peace is the knowing you are always loved and supported
Peace comes from the inner knowing you are never alone and are always loved and supported. Whether this is felt through your family, friends or your perception of god, knowing you will always be looked after removes fear of security and excess worry.
A good way to reinforce this mindset is to take note of three to four challenging events you experienced, while having no idea at the time how to overcome them. Then list what support and miracles arrived that allowed you to move forward and arrive at where you are today.
2. Peace is believing the world is for you and not against you
You either choose to believe that the world is for you and supports you or you believe the world is against you and live your life in resistance. You either trust the flow of life or fight against it through control and fear. By believing the world is for you, you not only attract more positive situations into your life, you also know during every challenge there is a big light at the end of the tunnel.
Being grateful for what you ‘do have’ on a daily basis, rather than being consumed with what you ‘don’t have’ shifts your reality into a more positive experience. Taking back your power in this way brings a a greater sense of peace and trust into your life.
3. Peace comes from the realization you are more than your mind
Studies reveal the human mind has up to 70,000 thoughts per day, with 70% of them being negative. Basing our reality, happiness, and sense of peace purely on our thoughts sets us up for stress, worry, and feeling unfulfilled. Connecting to deeper parts of yourself such as your heart and intuition can provide a more peaceful sense of reality. It also allows you to stand back from your thoughts and take action to cultivate more positive and useful ones.
As your breath is directly linked to your mind, the fastest way to tame fear-based thoughts is by slowing down your breath.
4. Peace comes from connecting to the deepest part of yourself
As peace comes from within, it can be felt more strongly when you connect to your true self through your inner guidance system. Your inner guidance system is forever trusting and ever knowing everything is exactly as it should be. It understands you are on a journey collecting experiences of both challenges and joy along the way. It doesn’t show fear or have worry without faith. It holds trust and surrenders to the flow of life.
Aligning to this part of you not only brings about increased states of peace in daily life, it can also draw you to more peaceful situations and people.
5. Peace comes when you stand still
Peace is your true nature, your prayer, the language of your heart, your purpose, and your destiny. Clearing away whatever is in the way of you connecting to this part of you, will be bring a deep sense of peace to the surface and become your focus. Meditating, taking silent walks in nature, and being totally present during an awe inspiring sunset are all ways to engage with peace.
Stand still, so the peace can find you.
Featured photo credit: pixabay.com via pixabay.com