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5 Unique Ways Your Smartphone Can Make You More Productive

Written by Michael Prywes

Smartphones are blamed for many of today’s ills. Millennials are too dependent on their phones, disconnected from the world and self-absorbed with their own social media lives, according to many grumbling sources.

However, the reality is smartphones have expanded our chance at productivity. Rather than waste time, smartphones have allowed us to become more productive than ever. It all depends on how you use your device.

1. You can work from anywhere

A smartphone with data can let you work via cloud storage. Google Drive is available on the iPhone and Android, and comes with a full suite of document creating and editing tools. This allows you to make and change documents on the go, without waiting for a computer and WiFi access.

Other programs like Evernote and Dropbox also sync to a cloud-based storage system, allowing you to keep large files and notes on you without worrying about memory or what device it was stored on. Of course you’ll want to make sure you have a good signal wherever you are. But thanks to cloud storage and data, smartphones can help bridge the gap between work spaces by keeping you ready to open and work on any file or document on the fly.

2. You can simplify what you’re carrying

Smartphones help consolidate some of your most crucial data, allowing you to lighten the load of what’s in your wallet and what you need to have prepared.

Rather than copying down information you need to remember, you can take a photograph. Now you don’t need a notebook or a pen. Instead of taking a business card, add them to your contacts list (or take a photo of their business card). Now you don’t have to worry about a small slip of paper.

Smartphones can even be used as payment devices via apps like Squarecash, Venmo, Apple Pay and Google Wallet. Now you don’t have to carry your cash or credit cards around. Whatever you need, chances are there’s an app for that.

3. You can plan your whole day on your phone

With smartphones, you have access to everything you need to plan your day. A calendar app with timed notifications and GPS directions can help you get to all your meetings.

You can purchase airplane, bus and metro tickets from your phone, or place a request for an Uber. You can reserve a seat at the movies or order a taxi. Some apps, like Grubhub, allow you to place orders for delivery in advance without needing to make a phone call. Virtually every major organization, retailer and institution has created an app or mobile website that smartphone users can work with easily.

4. You can stay in the loop

Because smartphones allow you to text, call, IM, email and more, it’s very easy to make yourself available, and it’s very easy to stay up to date on all your information. The iPhone can be set to check for new emails every half hour, hour or longer intervals of time based on how frequently you want to check your email without requiring you to intentionally open your email and see what’s new.

Text messaging allows you to communicate with others on the fly, have multiple conversations at once and cut down on left voicemails and missed calls. By keeping an active alert system in your pocket, your smartphone can let you know about any updates as they happen so you can stay involved from anywhere.

5. You can get things done faster

A smartphone can significantly cut down on your time doing… just about anything. Checking email is now a matter of looking at the notifications of your email app. Notes can be dictated and recorded, and photos can be taken on the same device that notes are stored.

A smartphone allows you to switch between a huge variety of useful apps with the click of a few buttons. It simplifies your tools, serves as a portable computer and automatically keeps you notified about what’s going on. Used properly, a smartphone can streamline your productivity significantly and prove that technology is not just a productivity killer.

Featured photo credit: Pabak Sarkar via