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Work, Working Environment

7 things successful teams do every day

Written by Athena

When was the last time you had fun, loved the people you worked with and got an insane amount of work done? Thinking back, do you think it luck? How could you make it happen again? It might have been luck. But it probably wasn’t. Successful teams begin with good leaders bringing on the “right people”. The right people embody the habits, values, and attitudes that are positive reinforcements for everyone on the team. Check out the list of things these people do every day to make their teams successful.

1. They do what they love.

What made Steve Jobs succeed? What made his teams able to continually innovate new products that built the world’s most successful tech and lifestyle brand? As the late Jobs said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Loving what you do helps you push through all the tedious and boring – essential – tasks that lead to success.

Loving what you do doesn’t mean only choosing tasks you like, but rather about caring about something enough to persevere through everything to achieve your goals.

2. They work less and play more at work.

Being busy is almost a mark of achievement in this day and age. However, output is more important than input. For example, Tower Pedal Board’s 5-hour workday helped the company grow even faster because the founder’s targets were clear. How can you do more with less time?

Try using the Pomodoro technique to break down your tasks. For tasks that need a larger block of concentrated effort, give yourself a 30-minute break after finishing. Make yourself a coffee, go for a walk, or play a game of football with your team members.

3. They control their hours.

Successful teams help every team member work in the most optimal way. Successful people are productive because they are in tune with their working styles. Instead of checking when people arrive at the office, require that team members deliver their work on time.

Successful teams give members the autonomy to do what makes them most efficient. When working in a bigger company, make sure you have transparent communication channels with your team to coordinate meetings and deadlines.

4. They invest just as much into life outside work.

Being passionate about work isn’t the same as making work your life. Successful teams have people that constantly bring energy and inspiration from outside of work. Productive team members put as much passion into their hobbies as they do their work. Because they have time take care of their health and personal interests, they return to the office recharged.

Don’t think of your sports league, photography club, cooking class, or a good night’s sleep as “bonus” if you have time. Think of these as essential parts of your life that make you happy and more effective.

5. They hold themselves accountable to goals.

Successful teams also hold themselves accountable to targets. Targets are measurable goals that can be tracked, day by day, week by week, month by month. Planning these goals keeps everyone focused on delivering their part to succeed together.

How can you start with your company? Start by listing your own goals for today, the next week, the month and one year out. Share your list with your team members and schedule a follow-up review by the end of a project or work cycle.

6. They value transparency.

Traditional corporate culture may value hierarchy and “discretion” but in the digital age, transparency builds trust. Sharing learnings and struggles with team members is the best way to earn the respect of others and rally their support. Working as a team should be constructive (sometimes friendly competition is good too!).

7. Everyone buys into the big picture.

Good companies know how to break down teams to deliver on projects effectively. Great companies have teams to deliver their projects in a way that brings value to the company as a whole.

It’s easy to become focused on the details and only the perspective of your tasks at hand. Different departments will compete for limited resources in order to perform well. Truly great teams know how to coordinate and share resources in a way that allows every team to deliver.

Featured photo credit: Margarida CSilva via