Energy is everywhere, and its effects are real.
Have you noticed that the company you keep has a major impact on your energy levels? For example, one of the reasons you enjoy hanging out with your best friends or favorite relatives is probably because they have a beneficial effect on your mood. On the other hand, we all know at least a couple of people who are best described as “toxic.” These are the folk who seem to leave those around them feeling negative, drained or even depressed after just a short period of time in their presence.
The universe and everything in it is comprised of atoms, which are in part made up of energy. Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that the kind of energy we transmit and encounter shapes our lives on multiple levels. Arguably we have a responsibility to discover as much as possible about human energy transfer, and how it may be harnessed for the greater good.
Science has now proven that negative people affect our energy
Although the effects of other peoples’ energy may seem a matter of common sense, it has taken mainstream science a long time to investigate this phenomenon. However, the study of how energy originates from and impacts upon living things (known as “bioenergetics”) is now a growing field.
Researchers at the University of Bielefeld in Germany have demonstrated that plants have the ability not only to create glucose using energy from the sun via photosynthesis, but they can also absorb energy from other plants growing nearby. This discovery has been heralded as a major breakthrough when it comes to understanding how plants, in this case algae, can get their energy needs met via multiple mechanisms. Furthermore, this research also has the potential to help us understand the ways in which humans can heal and help one another using nothing more than their natural energy levels.
From plants to people
German physician Olivia Bader-Lee has commented on the results of these findings and linked them to human interactions. “The human body is very similar to a plant that sucks and absorbs the energy needed to feed your emotional state,” she notes. She also believes that we have become alienated from nature and have been too quick to overlook the role of bioenergy in our day-to-day lives.
If you have ever gone for a walk to cheer yourself up, you will already know that being in a natural environment can have a soothing, healing effect on your mood. Bader-Lee explains that this is due to the energy transfer that takes place between humans, plants and animals. “That’s why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people,” she says.
The nature of karma
This kind of research is just beginning, but it is exciting to consider the ultimate implications of future findings. Those who practice energy-based medicine and healing systems such as Reiki have long testified to the effects of human energy. It is possible that one day, we will be better able to understand and measure the mechanisms by which these energy transfers can occur.
Bioenergetics research also has implications for those who believe in the law of karma. Essentially, those who believe in karma maintain that there natural repercussions for thoughts and actions, whether positive or negative.
Bioenergetics may yet help us understand the nature of karma, and what the effects of sending out positive or negative energy into the universe might be. These topics may eventually take us closer to understanding how we as humans can have a positive effect on one another, nature, and the universe as a whole.
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