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8 Awesome Microsoft Word Hacks You Need to Know About

Written by Shane Dobbing

Can you believe that Microsoft Word has now been around for more than 30 years?

For many of us, we use the software on a daily basis at work and there’s no debating the fact that, more often than not, certain tasks can be time consuming!

We all know the simple time-saving hacks of CTRL + C to copy a section of a document and CTRL+V to paste, however they’re only the basics and when you start to dig around and get to know Word a bit better, you’ll find that there’s a whole host of great shortcuts which can save considerable amounts of time. When it comes to work, time is money.

A recent infographic put together by SilverDoor brings together 8 awesome Microsoft Word hacks to increase your productivity at work. By taking the time to understand each one of these, you’ll learn how you can efficiently:

  • Select everything with a single click
  • Keep important documents pinned
  • Break your document up into sections
  • Convert pasted items to plain text
  • Use portrait and landscape in the same document
  • Set your own shortcuts
  • Use full justification formatting
  • Set quick styles

8 Awesome Microsoft Word Hacks You Need to Know About

    Source: SilverDoor

    Featured photo credit: SilverDoor via