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Career Advice, Work

5 Jobs Created By the Advent and Revolution of Technology

Written by Ahmed Raza
CEO of

Technology is a controversial topic. We need it, but we argue about its side effects too. There is no denying that technology has hugely affected the job industry. The concept of automation is said to be reducing jobs, putting people jobless. However, one look at the latest figures and you will realize that this is only half the truth.

According to a study, shortlisted for the Society of Business Economists’ Rybczynski prize, technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed. The study collected 140 years of data and concluded that while technology has reduced hard and dangerous jobs, it has actually created more opportunities in other industries. So what are those industries and what kind of jobs are there due to technology? Let’s have a look.

1. Jobs for Less Educated Workers

While most people would argue that technology requires workers to be more educated than before to be able to succeed, the truth is that due to technology even less educated individuals can excel in the job market, according to Harvard Business Review.

Technology has made jobs much easier. What needed two years of education earlier can now be learnt in a few months. Jobs have been broken into small tasks that are easy to perform. While some of them might have become less creative and more monotonous, there’s no denying the fact that they have opened new avenues for everyone. This is why the number of laborers is on a constant rise since there are many that can be handled without years of education.

2. Jobs in the Virtual World

The eCommerce industry is rapidly growing and currently stands at 1.55 trillion US dollar. The world of online business has opened new positions for everyone including:

  • Virtual Assistants
  • Social Media Managers
  • Online Marketeers etc.

These are jobs that were unheard of a few years ago, but today millions of people are working online and earning their bread and butter. And with technology constantly changing more and more jobs are opening online.

In addition to this, online jobs have more benefits, including the ease to work from home. This allows employees to save time and also money, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

3. Jobs Related to Motions and Graphics

Things have changed rapidly. There was a time when one had to draw story boards manually and present them onscreen, but now this is done with the help of software. The introduction of new technologies like 3D and 4D has also opened new avenues for those interested in computers and graphics.

Motion graphic designer and 3D architectural visualizer are two jobs in this industry that are rapidly growing. These are used everywhere, including architecture where designers can present their ideas in a neat manner.

4. Jobs Related to Science

While science has been here for decades, some new branches of science are starting to grow just now due to the growth in technology. One such branch is robotics which is hiring more people than ever.

Robots were just a concept during the Einstein era, but have been made a reality now. Uber has announced a self-driven car, with different Uber vehicle requirements. A robot only restaurant has opened in Japan and soon robots are expected in other walks of life as well. The world is going to change, and we have technology to thank for it.

Robots have started to enter factories too now, and while they may be doing a lot of jobs, they also need specialists to make them and coordinators to handle them. As a result there are a huge number of jobs for those who know about robotics. Earlier managers were required to oversee employees, but soon they will be needed to oversee robots.

5. Jobs Related to Data

There was a time when every business needed someone good with maths for bookkeeping, but today thanks to different tools and software all they need is someone good with IT. There is a lot of data on the internet, and businesses need data specialists to be able to handle it.

This is why the requirement for data specialists is on a constant rise. They are getting paid well, as this job is not going to go anywhere considering that data is only increasing. This increases the need for data specialists that can handle data, and also keep it protected since whatever is on the web is open to threats.

It is clear that technology is helping us in all walks of life. If you wish to stay relevant, it is important that you be tech savvy.