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13 Relieving Home Remedies For Shingles And How To Prevent It In Long Term

Written by Nena Tenacity
Nena is passionate about writing. She shares her everyday health and lifestyle tips on Lifehack.

In the road of life, we sometimes encounter sudden bouts of bumps that we have to overcome and get over. One such time is a sudden occurrence of shingles. You try to ask yourself, why me, why now?

Why it happens?

Shingles is a hidden virus lurking onto the body nerve cells from Chicken Pox. This Herpes Zoster virus reappears at some stage in adulthood should you have encountered Chicken Pox in childhood phases. Even just a mild unnoticed case of chicken pox. Herpes Zoster is a French, and Latin originated, term referring to girdle or belt. The blisters on shingles wrap around the trunk of the body.

How and why the virus suddenly spurts out again after years in hiding, no one really knows. Some medical opinion is that it takes course once the immune system is weakened. Shingles are common for those over 50 years old. Anyone with a weakened immune system is prone to develop shingles. Another well-known and likely trigger is injury or stress.

Once the blisters heal, the agony is not over. There is shooting pain in the area of the outbreak and can continue to persist for years thereafter for some. Fortunately, only a small percentage of people experience the after effect. Prompt treatment is key for this bout of shingles. Some experts may emphasize medical treatment but there are home remedies to relieve that itching and pain in early phases of Shingles when blisters are present.

Home Remedies for Shingles

1. Cool Down!

Cold packs are useful, they relieve blistered skin. Place a cold cloth gently and wrap over the affected area, dabbed in ice water. Repeat for about twenty minutes at a time until the pain eases.

2. Honey Heal Me!


    Healing with honey. Honey heals blisters and fades away the pain. Place honey on a bandage and apply on the area. Use fresh honey every few hours until there is an improvement. Eating honey daily boosts the immune system as well.

    3. Lay Back and Relax!

    Getting bed rest will assist the body in a head start of defenses. Anti-inflammatory treatment is recommended.

    4. Do not Burst the Bubble!

    Refrain from self-popping the blisters. The healing time will prolong and further infections and scarring may occur.

    5. Smoothing Out with Oatmeal!

    Oatmeal has soothing and anti-irritant properties that can offer relief from itchiness and pain, that accompanies the bout of shingles. Fill a bathtub and add oatmeal that is finely powdered. Lie in the oatmeal induced bath for about ten to fifteen minutes. Take an oatmeal soak two or three times daily to soothe the symptoms. Otherwise, make an oatmeal paste with powdered oatmeal and spread it over the affected area allowing it to self-dry and then wash off with warm water.

    6. The Apple Cider Vinegar Savior!

    Another effective remedy is apple cider vinegar. It dries out sores and stops the itchiness. It is a neural antiviral disinfectant and will speed up the process of recovery. Make a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar in equal amounts. Apply on the affected area leaving it to self-dry. Repeat until the shingles heal. Drinking apple cider vinegar in warm water will also be effective in the healing process.

     7. Gel away the Aloe Vera route!


      Aloe viral is an effective home remedy to soothe the skin, reduce itching, and pain. Apply aloe vera gel gently on the affected area two or three times daily. Leave it for at least thirty minutes and then wash it off

      8. Licorice Root to Health!

      Licorice has immune boosting properties that improve the healing process. Powdered licorice made into a paste must be applied onto the affected area. It is also possible to make licorice tea and then dab it on the blisters.

      9. Cloves of Garlic Emancipation!


        Putting garlic paste on the affected area a few times on a daily basis helps. Or even eat a few cloves.

        10. Trust in Coconut Oil

        Virgin coconut oil with its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties will definitely be a pathway to heal shingles. Warm some of the coconut oil and spread over the affected skin covering with gauze. Continue with the treatment after a few hours until there is noticed improvement. Including coconut oil in your daily diet is another way to heal.

        11. Global Healing Lemon Balm!

        Lemon Balm helps with the discomfort and pain of blisters. Make a lemon balm tea. After it has cooled, apply the solution, repeating this about four times a day.

        12. Salt of the Sea!


          Sea Salt is a natural antiseptic. It can dry up blisters. Apply sea salt diluted in water over the area affected at four-hour intervals.

          13. Alleviate Stress

          Stress does not cause singles but it can exacerbate the problem and put you in the  front of the risk queue for shingles to capture as your immune system weakens, bringing your body defenses down. Stress alters the inner perception of pain and symptoms are more acute and intolerable. Here’s how to avoid stress:

          • Express yourself – talking about how you feel is beneficial.
          • Avoid stressful encounters.
          • Follow a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise.
          • Explore stress management, self-healing methods like meditation and other relaxation activities. This will ease stress during the time that you have to deal with the pain of Shingles.

          Featured photo credit: Getty Images via