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Hobby, Lifestyle

3 Hacks for Turning Your Hobbies Into Your Income

Written by Spencer Mecham
Personal Finance Coach, Digital Marketer

Many people work at jobs that they don’t enjoy. Their decision to choose to work at their current job is usually done for a variety of reasons. For some, they need to make a certain amount of money, and the jobs they like simply do not pay enough to pay for their lifestyle. For others, it is all that they are qualified for. It doesn’t have to be that way. A lot of people in the world make money of those things that they once considered hobbies.

Here are three interesting ways you could make money off of your hobbies.

Website or blog

What is probably the best way to make money off of your hobby is to build a website or blog. If you are familiar with the internet, you have probably ran into dozens of websites and blogs as you search for different things. You probably follow a few websites that talk about things that you are passionate about.

Those websites make money every time you come to their website, or every time they give you advice on purchasing certain products. They don’t make a lot, but if they can get enough people to their site, then the small amount they make per person adds up pretty quick.

Websites are pretty cheap to get up and running these days. The first thing you will need to do is get hosting so that your site can be posted online. Pricing depends on the hosting company, but there are many companies build for small personal businesses that charge just a few dollars a month.

There are also many free websites that teach you how to actually design your website. Once you have chosen your host, and built your website, you can start researching how to get people to come to your website. If you have good content that people find valuable, it will eventually take off.


Most people don’t consider themselves teachers. However, everybody is an expert at something. You don’t have to go teach math or science, there are plenty of ways you can use the internet to teach people about things that you are actually passionate about. Even if you are passionate about something like online gaming, there are ways to teach online and make money off of that.

Outside of the internet, you could try starting some sort of in-person class in your neighborhood where you teach people to do something that you are good at. Many people have done this in a variety of industries.

A great example of this is this flower shop in Utah. They built a quick website and now offer classes to work with flowers. They turned their passion into an income through teaching and they did it in a niche that many people would have not thought was possible.

Affiliate and networking

Many companies will actually pay people to recommend their product. It is likely that you use multiple products already that are willing to pay you to recommend your products to others. The way people typically do this, is through networking.

Try joining clubs and organizations with people that are just as passionate about your hobby as you are. As you connect and work with other people you can recommend programs and products that you use on a daily basis. Each time you do this you have the potential to make money. Software companies are particularly notorious for this. Many will pay as much as $100 for a single referral.

If you go this route, be sure to always tell the truth. Never recommend the company because it pays a lot, only recommend companies because you genuinely love and use them. This way of making money off of your hobby requires you to have a name built up for yourself as an honest helpful person.