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Be the Man You Want to Be and Attract a Great Lady in 2017

Written by Chad Wotherspoon
I help good, single men authentically set up dates with the right types of women

If you’re a guy who has been stuck single, try making this the year that you be the man you want to be and attract a great lady in 2017. Starting the year with quality movie-messages can be a great way to expand our ambitions while jolting us back on the track to our dreams. Here are 10 impactful movie clips, with messages and action steps to help you be the man you want to be in 2017.

1. Money Ball

Great leaders consciously choose priorities and principles to direct and guide their lives. They follow them despite the unconventional path it may take them on.

Action Step: What are 3 priorities or principles that would guide you to be the man you want to be? Write them down and reflect on how you can shape your life to be more in line with these values.

2. Selma

Once you’ve chosen your priorities and values, find a role model who has had the courage to live his life according to his values and principles no matter how hard it may have been.

Action step: Do you have an inspiring role model who has chosen to stick to his or her principles no matter what? Find a picture or quote from this person and put it somewhere in clear view as a reminder for you to stay true to your values.

3. Coach Carter

Live your life for a meaningful purpose that is beyond yourself and practice loyalty toward your true friends in the process.

Action step: Who are the people who support and encourage you to be your best self? Make an effort to be with these people and to support them, too.

4. Eddie the Eagle

With your purpose in mind, set goals and dreams. Then don’t give up on them.

Action step: If you haven’t already, set some goals, create a plan to see them through and do your best to follow it. Most importantly, if you aren’t perfect with following through on your plan, don’t let that stop you or become an excuse for you to give up completely.

5. Yes Man

Keep your mind and heart open to life and be ready to step up to help a brother (or sister) out with whatever may come up.

Action step: Take an opportunity to do something kind for someone each week without expecting anything in return.

6. October Sky

Live your own life, but don’t forget to show your ‘pops’ some heartfelt love and appreciation even if you disagree on some things.

Action step: If your mom or dad is still around, write down 3 things you can appreciate about him or her. Feel the appreciation for this person and have a visit with them. Allow your gratitude for this person to come through in your words and presence.

7. Good Will Hunting

Knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom and arrogance is a poor cover up for lack of confidence.

Action step: Set aside some time this week, this month, and this year to take those steps that will help you be the man you want to be. Turn one or two of these actions into habits that will shape your character.

8. Love Actually

If you happen to find a great partner to spend your life with, cherish her and treat her right. Sometimes short-term pleasures are the enemies of lasting joy.

Action step: If you haven’t already, realize the great pain that infidelity can cause, make a decision not to do it and stick to your decision.

9. Interstellar

Make room for mystery and awe. Love transcends time and space whether we understand how or not.

Action step: Create space for opportunities to experience more wonder and awe this year be it looking up at the stars, watching storms, learning how to meditate or simply choosing to enjoy more ordinary moments.

10. Van Wilder

“Don’t take life too seriously…you’ll never get out alive.” – From Van Wilder. This one might not seem to fit with the rest, but it is riddled with funny (warning: sometimes crude) pieces of advice with a few gems thrown into the mix.

Action step: Was there a time in your life where you found it easy to laugh or where you just seemed to have a great time? What could you do more of to bring that side of yourself out?

Please leave a comment below with the movies or scenes that have inspired or impacted you to be the man you want to be!

Featured photo credit: Clem Onojeghuo via