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I Stopped Using Physical Notebooks And This Made Me More Productive

Coder, Director, Writer, Human

I used to plan every single day the night before in my planner, but for the new year, I decided to try just using digital notes instead. It saves on space because I don’t have to carry around extra notebooks, plus the notifications I set up remind me of the things I’m meant to be doing. I usually forget these when I’m using paper, and I only realize that night (when I plan the next day) that I’ve missed them.

When we plan we become much more productive, so awhile back I began to make this an integral part of my life. But it was only recently that I began using my planner on my Mac and apps like Google Keep to keep me on target for what I wanted to do and by when.

The alerts mean I am more focused and don’t lose track of the time. For example, I have an alarm set up for when I want to go to bed. This is a small thing, but it makes sure I get enough sleep, which sets me up for the next day.

Using technology instead of paper just makes working out my day and week simpler. This way I can jot down what I want to do whilst on the job. It keeps it all together, which is reassuring (as I have a habit of leaving my diary at home), and it means everything is in one place.

I also write music and make notes electronically. I use my computer so much that having inspirational quotes and ideas right there just makes sense (rather than creating another drawer full of old ideas, which is not only wasteful in terms of the environment, it also clutters up my desk at home). I do the same for writing poems or ideas for blog posts. This way you don’t have to type up your ideas, which is what I’d be doing anyway if I was using them.

Overall, this saves time and even saves the environment a little bit. I don’t think I’ll be switching back to the old pen and notebook just yet.