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10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World

Written by Ana Erkic
Social Media Consultant, Online Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, CEO and Co-Founder of Growato

With all political changes, wars, and oppression that are going on in the world today, we can easily fall under the influence of negative messages seen every day, and truly think that this is the end of the world. Yet, it all comes down to perspective. Yes, there are terrible things happening to good people, and so much injustice, but what we focus on is ultimately our own choice. If we decide to look at the positive, we would soon witness to so much more love, compassion, help and generosity, since there is so much more of it in this beautiful world we are living in.

Storytelling has always been one of the most effective ways to inspire, soothe, and keep us alive. Sometimes we don’t even need magic stories and fairytales, as real life tells the most beautiful stories that inspire and make us believe in the good in people.

Here, at Lifehack, we decided to celebrate positive examples, kindhearted people, and ideas that bring us together, rather than apart. It is our belief that we all benefit from sharing inspiring stories of great acts of kindness and loveliness that our world is abundant with. Here is a list of 10 real-life deeply moving stories to remind us of the loveliness of the world.

How About A House Of Hope When The World Seems Dark And Cold?

10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
    We all deserve to be happy, don’t we?

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    Cori Salchert and her family run a ‘house of hope’, as they named it, where they nurture and provide care for babies that have been diagnosed with terminal diseases, when their parents can’t take care of them or cannot stand the pain of watching them suffer and pass away. Corey has found her purpose in making the lives of the babies a little bit easier, and making sure they spend each day surrounded by love and care. This heart-warming story has left many of us speechless in the presence of such love, blessing us with hope in humankind at the same time.

    Never underestimate your kindness, simple things you do can make someone’s day. 

    10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
      A signed T-shirt means a lot to this little boy

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      Who can forget the photo of Murtaza Ahmadi, a 5-year-old Afghan boy, who enjoys his favorite game of football wearing a shirt made from a plastic bag with hand written name of his favorite player Lionel Messi on the back? The image of the “saddest football shirt in the world” reached Messi himself, who then arranged to have his two teams’ shirts – Argentina and Barcelona – to be signed and sent to the boy along with a new football. Murtaza wore the shirt with the greatest smile on his face as he was showing his best football moves. This heartwarming story doesn’t end there, as the little boy got to meet his idol at a football game in Qatar, where he showed his love and appreciation for the player by refusing to leave the pitch as the game was about to start.

      They Are Not Just Pets, they are our friends. 

      10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
        Animals are out friends too!

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        Another touching story of human loveliness comes from Fresno, CA, where Lynea Lattanzio found the most beautiful purpose for her 6-acre plot of land – to transform it into a 12-acre cat sanctuary and rescue facility. Now a non-profit organization, it has made sure that no cat is left homeless or loveless.

        This receipt will show you the power of kind words.

        10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
          Simple but powerful.

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          Leaving a witty and powerful message on a receipt she covered for the table of homophobic people next to her, Natalie Woods showed that there is another way to fight against prejudice and hostility. After hearing the family sitting near her in a restaurant being “disgusted” about their “liberal, gay” nephew, she decided to act in a rather unexpected way. Instead of accumulating or expressing anger, she sent a powerful message that, unlike any fight, can actually make people question their beliefs. Natalie paid for their meal, and left a note on the receipt saying: “Happy Holidays, from the very gay, very liberal table sitting next to you. Jesus made me this way. … P.S. be accepting of your family.”

          Meet The Real-Life Harry Potter, She is A Girl Too! 

          10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World

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            This story about a little girl, Juniper, is real-life proof of the power to bring hope even in the most difficult of times. Born 16 weeks early, the doctors and her family have struggled to keep her alive. The change happened as her father decided to start reading to her about “the boy who lived” – Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling’s magical story brought hope for Juniper’s family, as the girl started getting better and stronger page by page. Juniper is now a healthy and strong 5-year-old who has a special set of Harry Potter books sent directly from her favorite author along with the note: “To Juniper, The girl who lived! With lots of love, J.K. Rowling.”

            They are not biologically related, but they are one loving family.

            10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World

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              Ann Lapin, with the help of her family, has been “interim parent” to more than 22 babies so far. Being a volunteer in a rare care program has enabled her to take full care of newborns whose parents are making important parenting decisions. Whether they are questioning adoption, looking for financial assistance, or they are making other important decisions, they can be assured that their babies are getting all the love and care they need, with all legal rights still granted to them.

              Diversity is the most beautiful thing in the world. 

              10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
                Embrace and appreciate the uniqueness of each human kind.

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                After coming out to her family as transgender, Zoe had to take up another challenge – coming out at work. The reaction she got from her work colleagues is a beautiful example of genuine acceptance and understanding for another human being. She had a party thrown in her honor and received many beautiful gifts, acknowledgements and words of encouragement. Something that should be a lesson to all of us on how to celebrate diversity, instead of condemning it.

                Love is pure, love is clean

                10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
                  Happy ladies are the prettiest things in the world!

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                  Another inspiring real life story reminds us of ultimate human act of helping those in need. A cleaning company that has completed free cleaning services for more than 19,500 women undergoing cancer treatment so far shows how we can all help with what we’ve got.

                  A Blessing in disguise

                  10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World
                    If we have love, We can make friends anywhere and with anyone.

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                    Brandon Turnbow has met his friend, and co-pilot, whom he named Mr. Davidson, on a road where the poor dog was beaten and abandoned. Turnbow’s kind heart has helped him make a loving friend for life.

                    Having the ability to save lives is a blessing.
                    10 Deeply Moving Life Stories Remind You The Loveliness Of The World

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                      Another heartwarming story featuring a dog tells of the dramatic but successful rescue of Sylvie, a 13-year-old husky, who fell through the ice at Boston Harbor near Castle Island. With the help of a brave and skilled Boston firefighter Sean Coyle, Sylvie was brought to safety.

                      Featured photo credit: via