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30 Creative Date Night Ideas to Try At Home

Anna is the Editor-in-Chief & Content Strategist of Lifehack.

We all have it rough these days with a global pandemic across the world forcing people to stay indoors. Couples are especially feeling it in various ways. For one, there isn’t much time to be away from one another, but also there is another growing issue: date night.

Date nights are special as they’re an opportunity to show appreciation and take a break from things. They’re something beyond ordering take-out or going to a nice place and having dinner. They’re bold and creative and can rekindle passion for one another. But there is only so much that a couple can do for date nights before they get repetitive and that magic starts to disappear. On top of the restrictions of possibly kids, a busy schedule, and this pandemic amongst other things, you’ve probably exhausted every idea that you can think of.

In light of that, I wanted to give you some date night ideas that you might not have tried. These are perfect to try at home making it optimal for during the pandemic, but also after it too. Beyond that, these can save you a tonne of money and encourages you to be more resourceful with what you have, something I’m sure this pandemic has encouraged us all to do.

1. Movie Night With A Twist

Debating over what to watch is especially tough these days, however there are some ways that you can make this more exciting. Some ideas are making the movies more thematic like watching lots of holiday movies around Christmas time or horror films around Halloween. Here’re some ideas for you: The Best Date Night Movies That Guys Will Enjoy Just As Much As Girls

Some other ideas are closing your eyes and watch whatever you land on or flipping a coin to decide what to watch.

2. Cooking Night

Whether one or both of you have some cooking skills, there are all kinds of dishes that the two of you can make. You can stick to making favourite dishes, or maybe you can tackle a larger recipe together.

There are a tonne of recipes online to try out, however you can also look into owning a cookbook yourself. For starters, try out these recipes:

The Well Plated Cookbook: Fast, Healthy Recipes You'll Want to Eat
    The Well Plated Cookbook: Fast, Healthy Recipes You'll Want to Eat
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    03/03/2025 07:17 am GMT

    3. Learning Something New

    Stemming from the previous idea, maybe one of you isn’t that good with cooking. This provides an opportunity for one of you to teach the other. This doesn’t apply to cooking. It can apply to any skill such as learning to speak Spanish or another language.

    Easy Spanish Step-By-Step
      Easy Spanish Step-By-Step
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      03/03/2025 07:13 am GMT

      4. Game Night

      Board games are another good at home date night ideas to try out. It’s also fairly inexpensive as well. One good game to play together as a couple is Odin’s Ravens. Inspired by norse mythology, it’s easy to get into and is inexpensive price wise.

      Odin's Ravens: A mythical race game for 2 players (Osprey Games) for 8 years old
        Odin's Ravens: A mythical race game for 2 players (Osprey Games) for 8 years old
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        03/03/2025 07:11 am GMT

        5. Lounge Room Picnic

        Picnics are usually designed to be outdoors, however there is something nice about having them indoors as well.

        Having a picnic indoors is nice as it removes having the elements involved. Not to mention you don’t have to avoid the bugs while indoors.

        6. Massages

        This is another cheap and intimate experience as all you’ll need is a towel and some oil. Having your significant other give you a massage is far less awkward as well since you’re not paying a stranger to rub down your body. The Majestic Pure Store offers a tonne of different massage oils to pick from that are cheap and high quality.

        7. Fondue Night

        While we think of this as a group activity, it can be enjoyed as a couple. There is something so delightful about dipping items into chocolate and eating them. Fondue makers themselves are also pretty cheap to pick up as well. All you’ll need to bring after that is bread, cheese, chocolate and fruits.

        Nostalgia 6-Cup Electric Fondue Pot Set for Cheese & Chocolate
          Nostalgia 6-Cup Electric Fondue Pot Set for Cheese & Chocolate

          6 Color-Coded Forks, Adjustable Temperature Control - Stylish Serving for Hors d'Oeuvres, Entrees, and Desserts - Stainless Steel

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          03/03/2025 07:18 am GMT

          8. Video Game Marathon

          There are a plethora of video games these days that allow co-operative versions. Some games will make you compete against one another or the two of you work as a team. Nonetheless video games are a fun way to bond with another. There is bound to be a game out there that you and your partner will enjoy.

          9. Cooking For Your Partner

          For the busy couple, sometimes it’s nice to come back home – or finish a work session – and see that supper is already done. Another cookbook that is nice to pick up is the Cooking for Two cookbook. It has 650 recipes, making it one of the best cookbooks that you’ll ever need.

          The Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook
            The Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook

            650 Recipes for Everything You'll Ever Want to Make (The Complete ATK Cookbook Series)

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            03/03/2025 07:17 am GMT

            10. Take An Intro Yoga Or Fitness Class

            For many folks during quarantine, they’ve probably gained a bit of weight and this is one way to ease back into exercise. With this pandemic going on, there has been a huge push for live training workouts but you can also find plenty of training regimens on YouTube.

            My suggestion is to try out a regular workout routine first and maybe branch off into other forms of fitness be it high-intensity or yoga amongst others. Nevertheless, having a mat to workout on will be beneficial to you too.

            Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat Fitness & Exercise Mat With Easy-Cinch Carrier Strap
              Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat Fitness & Exercise Mat With Easy-Cinch Carrier Strap

              Teal, 72"L X 24"W X 2/5 Inch Thick

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              03/03/2025 07:21 am GMT

              11. Take Music Lessons Together

              While this idea typically involves someone instructing the both of you, there is nothing wrong with one of you teaching the other. If you’ve been practicing an instrument – or even with signing – providing some lessons is a fun way to bond together.

              The alternative is pulling up some Youtube videos that have tutorials that you can follow. Or if you want to improve your singing voice, you can try taking voice lessons.

              12. Rom-Coms Marathon

              While these movies are cheesy and so predictable, there is something about them that is entertaining to watch. Put together a nice little playlist and to create a nice romantic atmosphere at home to set the mood. From there you can order food, open a bottle of wine and cuddle up. If you’re not the type to get drunk, I’d suggest a non alcoholic wine to try out that still fits the mood.

              VINADA - Sparkling Rosé - Zero Alcohol Wine - 750 ml
                VINADA - Sparkling Rosé - Zero Alcohol Wine - 750 ml

                3 Glass Bottles

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                03/03/2025 07:21 am GMT

                13. Wine Taste At Home

                There is a plethora of wine available to pick out and each one can deliver an all new experience. Even if you’re not someone who drinks that often, this can be an opportunity to experience something different. Not to mention wine is a good way of mustering up more courage to talk to one another. On the other hand, you could also indulge in a new trend of non alcoholic beverages or mix your own cocktails.

                Thoughtfully Cocktails, Mix and Match Mini Sampler Cocktail Mixer Set
                  Thoughtfully Cocktails, Mix and Match Mini Sampler Cocktail Mixer Set

                  Vegan and Vegetarian, Tropical and Classic, Set of 20 (Contains NO Alcohol)

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                  03/03/2025 07:22 am GMT

                  14. Have A Bake Off

                  Provided the kitchen is big enough, you can recreate a mock “Cupcake Wars” situation and try to impress one another with various baked goods. Even if by the end the bake off doesn’t make Pinterest-worthy posts, it’s still fun to do. Plus you have food you get to enjoy. You can pull some recipes from the internet, or you can get a cookbook that can go into finer detail on baking other incredible dishes.

                  The Magnolia Bakery Handbook: A Complete Guide for the Home Baker
                    The Magnolia Bakery Handbook: A Complete Guide for the Home Baker
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                    03/03/2025 07:21 am GMT

                    15. Or A Paint-Off

                    Or instead of baking you can look at painting. You don’t need to have a large amount of art supplies using things like markers, crayons, watercolors, or even random pens that you’ve got lying around. In terms of competition, have each other draw the same still-life scene – this could be a fruit bowl or maybe a simple landscape.

                    You could even try drawing one another’s portraits. If you’re doing that, I’d suggest having something more sophisticated than pen and paper.

                    ARTIFY Table Sketch Box Easel Set
                      ARTIFY Table Sketch Box Easel Set

                      Desktop Artist Easel with 12 Colors Acrylic Paints, 13pcs Brushes, 4 Canvas Boards, Plastic Palette and 2 pcs Palette Knives, Gift for Artists, Kids, Adults

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                      03/03/2025 07:22 am GMT

                      16. Tackle A DIY Project

                      Whether the two of you are in an apartment or a home there is always some kind of project that could be done. Doesn’t always have to be something as big as renovating a part of a home or painting, but tackling it as a team makes it far more tolerable.

                      17. Clean Out The Closets

                      Organizing closets can be a struggle as we all have a tendency to hoard things over time. With not much else happening lately, one good project to do together is to go through one another closets and start cleaning things out, setting aside stuff you don’t need anymore while keeping some other things.

                      18. Make a Bucket List For the Next 10 Years

                      One great at home date night idea I love is making a bucket list for the next 10 years. For couples that have been together for even a short period of time or longer, outlining each other’s goals and desires is key to deepening the relationship. If you’re serious about the relationship, sharing each other’s goals is fantastic and what better way to share it than to have a bucket list for the next decade? Just don’t forget to write them down and have a spot to remind you of them.

                      19. Work On a Garden

                      While many associate a garden with something outdoors, you can set up an indoor greenhouse of your own. The only thing is you’ll be more limited in what you’re able to grow indoors and you’ll need some extra equipment to get it all working.

                      Still, this is a fun activity for the two of you to do and can spark conversation since it is a mindless -yet relaxing – task.

                      20. Play Some Drinking Games

                      While you won’t be able to really party like you used to, there are some pretty fun drinking games out there. Whether you want alcohol involved or not you can always play beer pong or flip cup on the kitchen table. Here’s a drinking game set that’s good to pick up.

                      Drunk in Love: Original Couples Drinking Card Game | Fun Date Night & Relationship Game
                        Drunk in Love: Original Couples Drinking Card Game | Fun Date Night & Relationship Game
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                        03/03/2025 07:22 am GMT

                        21. Play Some Classic Card Games

                        Another one of the great at home date night ideas to try out is playing some classic card games. Things like War, Rummy, Cribbage (provided you have a Cribbage board), Crazy 8, Old Maid, or Go Fish were fun as kids and still fun while you’re older. Of course you’ll need to pick up a deck of cards which are cheap and provide hours of entertainment.

                        22. Read Books Together

                        Whether it’s one person reading to the other or both of you reading in silence, there is something nice about curling up together and reading together in some fashion. While everyone has their own sense of taste in books, there are some books that are delightful to co-read.

                        One book that comes to mind is The Sense of an Ending. It’s the perfect length where it’s not quite a novel but longer than a novella. It’s a deep book that looks into responsibility without getting too depressing as the protagonist works through living on despite his closest friend committing suicide while he was away.

                        The Sense of an Ending
                          The Sense of an Ending
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                          03/03/2025 07:18 am GMT

                          23. Stargaze

                          While this is technically an outdoor activity you may still have an opportunity in various ways. If you own a home, you can easily head out into the yard and do this. For apartments, there are balconies or going to a non-public area if possible. That aside, stargazing is always a delight and it’s just fun to be in each other’s company and look up at the stars.

                          24. Work On a Difficult And Large Puzzle

                          There are so many puzzles out there for adults to work on and complete. The idea with this date night is to find a puzzle that’s complex enough and will take a while to complete. One that I’d recommend is this mosaic puzzle.

                          UNIDRAGON Original Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles - Majestic Wolf, 185 pcs
                            UNIDRAGON Original Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles - Majestic Wolf, 185 pcs

                            Medium 9.7"x13", Beautiful Gift Package, Unique Shape Best Gift for Adults and Kids

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                            11/26/2024 10:02 pm GMT

                            25. Have a Deep Conversation

                            Deep conversations can begin in all kinds of ways. One easy way to get into them is to play sleepover games like Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare. The answers that can stem from these can lead to some organic and deep conversations, pulling you away from the typical conversations you’re used to having.

                            26. Write Each Other Love Letters

                            Sitting down with some paper and pens and writing out the various things you appreciate about one another. Even though love is complicated, there are usually several reasons for why you love one another and expressing that creates a stronger sense of intimacy.

                            27. Bowling Indoors

                            Bowling is a fun sport that many can get behind, though it can be difficult to find a proper bowling alley in your area. Paired up with a pandemic, it’s almost impossible to do that. So why not bring it to your home? There are all kinds of bowling sets you can get to play a game of bowling indoors.

                            Novelty Place Giant Inflatable Bowling Set
                              Novelty Place Giant Inflatable Bowling Set

                              One 14 Inches Ball with Six 22 Inches Pins

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                              03/03/2025 07:17 am GMT

                              28. Plan Out Future Dates

                              This pandemic – while long – isn’t going to last forever. Soon enough things will open back up and we’ll all be able to get out of the house and enjoy date night in other ways. In light of this, why not make some plans right now so you can prepare in advance?

                              29. Build a Fort

                              As childish as it may seem, it’s another great at home date night idea to try out. Tapping into childhood fort building skills, you’ll probably be able to manage to build a better fort with the materials you have now.

                              30. DIY a Photo Booth

                              While they are a relic of the past, you can still create your very own photo booth. All you have to do is squeeze together in a tight space and snap away. You could use your phone to take burst shots, but for those really wanting to make it old fashion you could use a disposable camera.

                              Bundle of Kodak Funsaver 35mm One-Time Single-Use Disposable Camera (ISO-800) with Flash
                                Bundle of Kodak Funsaver 35mm One-Time Single-Use Disposable Camera (ISO-800) with Flash

                                27 Exposures with Microfiber Cloth

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                                03/03/2025 07:22 am GMT

                                Bottom Line

                                If you have such a busy life that you can’t do too many outdoor activities together, having a chance to do some fun stuff inside is always nice.

                                I strongly encourage you to bookmark this article and refer back to it if you need a refresher. Better yet, try some of these this week!

                                If you look for some date ideas not necessarily for nights, here’s another list of fun ideas!