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6 Questions That Successful People Ask Themselves Constantly

Written by Matt OKeefe
Matt is a marketer and writer who shares about lifestyle and productivity tips on Lifehack.

Success can be achieved if you take the right steps. There are certain keys to success that have the potential to unlock a version of yourself of which you can be even more proud. Successful people ask themselves these six important questions to be the best versions of themselves they can be.

1. Am I in the right niche?

Think about what you’re doing for a living. Are you succeeding in your field? How is the quality of your work? Is it passable, or are you receiving praise for what you deliver your boss? Successful people don’t just pass, they excel. When your employer isn’t commenting on your output, no news equals bad news. If the response to your work is indifferent or, even worse, negative, ask yourself if it’s time to look for a new career path. You might just have an over-demanding, under-appreciative supervisor, or you could still be finding your footing. However, it’s worth questioning if the niche you’re in is the right one for you.

Even if you are successful where you are you might want to ask yourself if you can find more success doing something else. Research other careers that use the skills you already have to figure out if you can find more success somewhere else. If you’re a thoughtful writer, you might make a great editor. If you enjoy being a student, you might want to be a teacher.  Just because you’ve found success doesn’t mean you can’t become more successful.

2. Am I learning from my failures?

Failing is fine. Failing can be good, if you learn enough from the experience. But if you only learn to avoid the mistakes that led to your failures, you’re not growing. You need to learn lessons from your failures that will benefit you in all future endeavors. If you don’t finish your big work project in time then you need to understand the benefits of being in control of your schedule, not just that you need more time for that type of project. That kind of knowledge will follow you beyond any one job.

3. Am I taking chances?

If you’re not scared on a regular basis, you’re too timid. A new day should mean a new challenge. If you do the same things everyday you’ll become really good at those things, but stagnancy doesn’t beget success. If you write screenplays, try writing a novel. If you can run a fast mile, take on a marathon. Become accomplished at new things to continue feeling as though your life is a success.

4. Am I on the right path?

Check your action plan. Most successful people have action plans, so you should have one too. Are you reaching your goals in a timely fashion, or are you at a standstill? Standstill is career limbo; success is steady and continued growth. Make sure you are consistently reach your current goals and are continuing to make new ones.
Most people don’t. Make yourself the exception.

5. Do I still believe in the work I’m doing?

To succeed you have to be excited by your career. Do you believe in what you’re doing five or more days a week? Most people don’t; make yourself an exception. Even if your job isn’t interesting to you now, you can convince yourself to care. Just think about the work you do, analyzing it from every angle. What does get you excited about your job? There has to be at least one thing — pinpoint what that is and make that the focus of your drive towards success.

6. Do I still believe in myself?

Are you confident? Do you believe in your abilities? I hope so, because the most important key to success is truly believing that you can succeed. And you can.

Featured photo credit: Junwon Yoon via