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Communication, Motivation

7 life lessons I have learnt from Jim Rohn which greatly improved my life

Written by Bo Nardin
Bo Nardin is an online entrepreneur taking the idea 'Turn your passion into a profession' online.

One of the best ways to improve your life in a most effective way is to find a mentor, learn from his teachings and then take action. In that way you don’t need to invent hot water again, you can avoid some mistakes and yes, a good mentor can inspire you to take action.

A good thing today is that you don’t need to look for your mentor in person. You can find your mentor in books, videos or audios. So it won’t cost you a fortune but it can bring you a fortune.

Jim Rohn was one of the best America’s business and life philosophers. Learning from him is a real blessing, no matter what you want to do: improve your personal relationship, your financial situation, your communication skills or even your health.

Read these 7 great life lessons I have learnt from Jim Rohn, which have raised my life to another level – and I am quite sure it can raise your life, too.

1. It all starts with you

For things to change, you have to change. – Jim Rohn

The economy might be bad, you might be coming from a disordered family, the politicians may be corrupted but all that don’t count much… because you can’t do much about it there is no point of complaining about it (as I am sure you are not complaining about the gravity though some planes are falling down because of it!).

What I have learned from Jim Rohn is that I am the one who can improve my life: I can improve my financial situation by learning new skills. I can improve my health by doing sports and making better choices in my diet. I can improve my relationship with my spouse by openly talking about the problems. So, what changes are you going to do today?

2. Never stop learning

Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune. – Jim Rohn

Once you stop learning, you fall in a pool of mediocrity. It’s ok to have a formal education, but it is just okay – and it doesn’t matter what a degree you have.
What I have learnt from Jim Rohn is that it doesn’t matter where you stand. What matters is where you want to go.

So if you want to move forward in this fast moving world take courses for self-development, read motivational books, learn some essential Internet skills. Start thinking as an entrepreneur (even if you don’t have your own business), that means constantly learning new things in order to improve a life around you.
Learning is an oxygen for your success.

3. Stop procrastinating

What is easy to do is also easy not to do. – Jim Rohn

When starting a new thing, like learning new skills on the Internet (this is almost a must if you don’t want to feel like you are from another planet) or learning a new language, you might feel overwhelmed at the beginning. But everything is easy as long as you break it down. Make one step at a time.

Remember how you have learned to ride a bicycle? You have done it not by watching it but by doing it. And learning a new language or some new Internet skills won’t even cost you some scratches on your knees as was the case when learning to ride a bicycle.

But what is easy to do is also easy not to do.
It is easy to say I am too old or too young to start a business. It is easy to say I don’t have time to do some sports. Stop procrastinating! Make just the first step… then the second… the third one… and then just keep going.

4. Take care of yourself

Take care of your body. It’s the only place where you have to live. – Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn taught me that in order to enjoy life and success you have to feel good in your body, you have to be in a good shape. So, go to the gym today (yes, today, not tomorrow because that would be the beginning of procrastination). Take care what you put in your mouth. Make your body strong. It is the most precious place to carry your mind through your life.

5. Constantly work on your mind

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. – Jim Rohn

I don’t afford one day not to work on myself.

Doing affirmations, reading motivational books, watching webinars – that is the food for your mind. Your mind will take you from where you are to where you want to be. So, never allow your mind to starve.

6. Express your feelings

Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know. – Jim Rohn

Even if you are not a good speaker (though it’s worth working on improvements) if you are talking with a feeling you will win the audience, you will convince people.

As I am not a native English speaker, when I speak on video, you clearly notice my English is far from perfect. But what I always do is express all my feelings about the thing I am talking about.

Express your feelings and people will always want to hear what you have to say.

7. Start making good habits

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Rohn

Success is made of a selection of good habits. Doing them every day. Taking action every day.

One good habit I have learned from Jim Rohn is starting my working day always with the most difficult task of that day. That means that after I finish it everything else gets easier.

Create habits that can improve your life, like making “to-do” list or taking half an hour for focusing your thoughts or doing your sports at least3 times per week.

A TIP: Always start with only one habit at a time and when you master it, move on.

OK. You have just read some of Jim Rohn’s life lessons which can drastically improve your life. The most important thing to do now is to take action. If learning is an oxygen of your success, taking action is the blood of it.
Educate yourself, stop making excuses, learn new skills, make one new habit and you will be on a fast track to your success.

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