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Communication, Motivation

9 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone

Written by Casey Imafidon
Specialized in motivation and personal growth, providing advice to make readers fulfilled and spurred on to achieve all that they desire in life.

People these days think that you owe them a lot. That being around them means that you have to imbibe certain things that work for them. But how can you do all that and still keep your self-esteem and self-worth in check? You have a right to do what you feel like doing as long as you have not committed a crime. And if people can’t live with that, whether they are your friends, family or relatives, you should emphasize your space and what you deserve. You cannot live your life according to the standards and expectations of others.

1. You don’t owe anyone your outward appearance

Your body belongs to you. And how you present it to the world is entirely up to you. Whether you have tattoos that are conspicuous and look ridiculous, or dyed your hair to an outrageous color, your body belongs to you. And whatever opinion others have of you is their business.

2. You don’t owe anyone how many kids you want

Whether you want to have one child, or ten children, or don’t want to have any, it is your right to be the parent you want to be. We shouldn’t try to appease anyone when it comes to such heavy decisions.

3. You don’t owe anyone friendship

You have the choice to choose who you want to associate with. Many times the wrong friendships could be detrimental to your success. Why spoil it because you want to look cool and seem acceptable? If someone doesn’t share your values or has no common interest with you, you don’t owe that person friendship.

4. You don’t owe anyone personal information about your life

Your life is your responsibility and not anyone else’s. Why should you provide an answer to every question thrown at you that wants you to reveal personal details about yourself?

5. You don’t owe anyone commitment

If you don’t want to be committed to someone or a project, don’t. Feeling that every commitment has to be done because it is a debt makes you a slave. You don’t owe anyone a commitment that will sideline your dreams and aspirations.

6. You don’t owe anyone an apology if it really means nothing to you

Every apology should mean something to you. If you are asking for someone’s understanding and forgiveness when you are not sorry about what you did and it is really not going to make a difference, it serves no purpose at all. Certain people expect that we should apologize all the time for mistaken actions, but that doesn’t work.

7. You don’t owe anyone an explanation of how you spend your time

Whether you are spending your time playing video games all day or you prefer to spend your time alone, you don’t have to explain why to anyone. You don’t owe anyone an explanation of how best you should spend your time and the intent behind the way you spend your time.

8. You don’t owe anyone a favorable reaction to what is presented to you

You don’t owe anyone a positive reaction to what they put forward to you. Whether it will make them feel good or not, you should be more concerned about how you feel about something. Honesty should work for you on such situations.

9. You don’t owe anyone an acceptance of the religious or political beliefs

Your belief system should be based on what works best for you. And this should be founded over time based on what you feel is right or wrong. You shouldn’t be coerced into a religious or political affiliation because you are trying to gain acceptance. Validation of such things should come from within and not without.

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