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Health, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Parenting

5 Life Lessons We Can All Learn From New Mothers

Written by Naomi Goodlet

New mothers face a ton of challenges when they settle into their new life as a parent. They’re often left to figure it out and find solutions on their own. They end up becoming better people who are more organised, authentic, and fun as a result.

Here’s five life lessons plenty of new mothers have learned (often the hard way) on their journey into parenthood, that absolutely everyone can benefit from.

1. Put yourself first (as much as you can)

This isn’t exactly what you’d expect a mother to say, right? Of course, babies and toddlers have needs that cannot be ignored, but so do adults. For a mother of a newborn, squeezing in time for a quick shower in the morning can set her up for a great (although probably still sleep-deprived) day. Some simple self-care like a quick meditation, a nap, or a tea break can work wonders too!

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Being a parent is hard work. Let’s honor that. Moms sign up for the toughest job in the world, but that doesn’t mean they’ve got to do it all on their own. Moms can (and should) shamelessly enlist the help and support of their friends, family, teachers, nannies, cleaners, or babysitters to help lighten the load.

Moms (and the rest of us) can benefit from being open to assistance from others, even if they’re paid professionals. The same goes for accepting gifts. New Moms get A LOT of presents, and they usually gratefully accept them. We can all benefit from saying “Yes” to things, people, and help that will make our lives easier.

3. Turn up the BS filter

If anyone has time restraints, it’s mothers! The less time you have in your life, the less bull***t you’re able to tolerate. I can’t believe how much time I wasted before having my daughter. With the all the online shopping, playing games, watching boring TV reruns, gossiping, and Facebook, I was out of control.

Now that I have less time, I actually achieve more than I ever did before. Most importantly, I put a stop to the BS before it gets out of control. I say “No” to people who waste my time. I don’t even answer the doorbell for door-to-door sales people anymore — true story!

4. Find a balance between being organized and being spontaneous

Some children need routines, which require Moms to be ridiculously organized. All children need a certain level of organization just to get them dressed, fed, and in the car. However, routines can be a real drag if you were used to spontaneous living before having kids.

Modern Moms know how essential it is to keep our impulsive spirit alive. We’re doing it at every opportunity, whether it be through animated play with our children or calling in the cavalry so we can have a night off with the girls.

5. Don’t let life get in the way of staying in touch with your real friends

Good friends are with you for life. Unfortunately, they’re often the first people to get neglected when you become a new Mom.

Lost in the overwhelming world of new motherhood, many of us turn to mother’s groups and play dates as a way to connect with others and make the days easier. Some of us are even lucky enough to find lasting friendships from these activities.

However, we soon learn that our long-standing friends are irreplaceable. The people who have known us for the longest have stuck around for a reason: They love us unconditionally.

What life lessons have you learned from the incredible new Moms in your life?

Featured photo credit: abarefoot via