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Entrepreneur, Work

7 Habits That Make Successful Entrepreneurs Highly Efficient

Written by Casey Imafidon
Specialized in motivation and personal growth, providing advice to make readers fulfilled and spurred on to achieve all that they desire in life.

We live at a time when competition is stiff and we need to be at the top of our game to succeed. Even when we have so many tools and apps to maximize our productivity, it remains up to us to find out what will strengthen our abilities on an ongoing basis.

Building successful habits that will optimize our efficiency may seem difficult, yet the achievements of successful entrepreneurs are dependent on the habits that they nurture.

Here are 7 habits that successful entrepreneurs master in order to improve their efficiency and help them reach their goals quicker:

1. They look for solutions rather than problems

“True entrepreneurs look for ways to make ideas work, while regular people focus on why they won’t work. If entrepreneurs hit an obstacle, they mobilize and seek ways to overcome it. Regular people see it as an excuse to give up.” – Andrei Kolodovski, serial entrepreneur.

To be more efficient, successful entrepreneurs work on forming mental habits that make them problem solvers rather than problem creators.

2. They focus on the importance of core values- for themselves, and employees

“They want the company they work for to reflect their values, personality and principles. They do not want to have to check-in their values at the front door every time they go to work.” – Gerard Danford, London Business School.

Successful entrepreneurs do not chase too many goals at once. They know what they want and where they want to be. Such a focus on values helps entrepreneurs to be more efficient. Such an attitude can also motivate and inspire employees to feel happy that they are working for a company with a mission and a social purpose.

3. They have a schedule for each day

“There is interruption all the time, but I can quickly deal with an interruption and then know that it’s Tuesday, I have product meetings, and I need to focus on product stuff.” – Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter.

Successful entrepreneurs don’t muddle their work day with too many activities and an unstructured approach. They focus on what should be accomplished daily. Having a schedule helps them to direct their energy on what needs to be done each day.

4. They prioritize

“I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community … I’m in this really lucky position, where I get to wake up every day and help serve more than a billion people. And I feel like I’m not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life.” – Mark Zukerberg, co-founder of Facebook.

Successful entrepreneurs do not expend their energy on things that do not stretch them towards success or attaining their primary goals.

5. They focus on excellence

“For my first five years at Google, I pulled an all-nighter every week. It was a lot of hard work.” – Marissa Meyer, current president and CEO of Yahoo!

Successful entrepreneurs are committed to excellence and are focused on results. Rather than simply succumbing to mediocrity they step ahead of competition by putting all their energy into creating something worthwhile.

6. They communicate

“A good leader doesn’t get stuck behind a desk.” – Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group

A successful entrepreneur understands the importance of accessing the right information in order to be efficient. They communicate with their employees and customers on what needs to be done and improved. Rather than getting stuck, they go in search of knowledge in order to make the investments needed to help their company improve.

7.They invest

“All money is a means of making more.” Oliver Emberton, founder of software firm Silktide.

Every successful entrepreneur knows the importance of using money to get ahead. This is why companies often seek money from venture capitalists. To get ahead you have to see money as a tool. Rather than waste it on frivolous activities, successful entrepreneurs invest in resources and technology that will help improve their products, services, and keep them ahead of the competition.

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