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Only An ENFP Would Understand These 14 Things

Entrepreneur, Mindset & Performance Coach, & Doctor of Physical Therapy

ENFP’s are people-oriented, intuitive, and spontaneous. The ENFP personality type is one of 16 personality types based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a questionnaire that has been used for years to indicate people’s psychological preferences in how they perceive the world.

I’m an ENFP and I totally understand the excitement and challenges that come along with this personality type.

Here are some of the quirks, strengths, and difficulties associated with being an ENFP.

1. You search for meaning in everything

The author of this article describes one of the struggles faced by ENFP’s, stating, “Yes, I want to go to a party tonight. But a party full of contemplative people who want to alternate between taking shots and discussing the meaning of life.”

2. You see life as an awesome adventure

As an ENFP, your enthusiasm and excitement for life never ends. You view life as full of possibilities and you tend to welcome change.

3. You feel stifled, frustrated, and trapped doing mundane things

Since you crave freedom and excitement, and tend to dislike routine mundane tasks, you can feel sorry for yourself when you need to do boring things…like clean your house.

4. You confuse your friends and family members

You have big ideas and see many possibilities in life. To an outsider, it may appear you are “all over the place” with your thoughts and goals, but in reality you stick true to your values amidst your adventures. The way you bubble with excitement and always have huge ideas may stress others out.

5. You may enjoy several careers in your lifetime

“Slash” careers are common for ENFP’s. For example, I’m a doctor of physical therapy/entrepreneur/writer. Typically, ENFP’s are project oriented, and may switch careers or dabble in learning new hobbies.

6. You need people contact

While you need alone time occasionally, many ENFP’s dislike being alone for prolonged periods of time. You are energized and recharged by connecting with others.

7. You have a million great ideas

You may have sticky notes all over the place with your ideas written on them.

8. You require extra effort to focus on your own path

With your wide variety of interests and highly excitable personality, it’s easy for you to get sidetracked from your own goals. When others tell you great things they’re doing, you may find yourself saying, “That’s awesome! I want to do that too!” You may need to list your priorities, write down your goals, and set a schedule for yourself to stay on task.

9. You have a history of staying in relationships even when you should get out

Since you see the potential in others rather than what actually is, you sometimes hang onto bad relationships even when it’s time to move on.

10. You crave going into business for yourself

You dislike being controlled, and are a natural leader. Many ENFP’s have strong entrepreneurial skills.

11. You are underestimated

Due to your fun, upbeat personality, your intelligence may be underestimated. In the work setting, you may need to make an effort to communicate with others using data and facts so you are taken seriously.

12. You would rather travel than upgrade your home

You crave opportunities to travel, and believe having amazing experiences is worth more than any material item. You seek opportunities to explore and connect with people all over the world.

13. You have a wide variety of friends

You have a large social circle, full of a wide range of friends you totally love.

14. You love teamwork

Working with others toward a common dream lights you up. You work well on teams due to your ability to get along well with people.

Featured photo credit: Smiles/Alex via