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Diet & Nutrition, Health

10 Benefits Of Ginseng That You Need To Know

Written by Nick Eberle
Massage Therapist and Herbalist
Reviewed by Zola Johnson
Zola Johnson is a Registered Nutritionist and Cosmetologist.

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Most have heard that Ginseng is good for you, but what are the benefits of Ginseng?

This is one of the most renowned tonic herbs in history and at times has traded for more than its weight in gold. There are two different types of Panax Ginseng, and even more with regional names or other tonic herbs that are called “ginseng”.

I want to share with you some of the benefits of Red Ginseng, the type of ginseng you may have seen in a Bruce Lee movie. When people say ginseng, that is typically what they are referring to.

The benefits I am going to share with you are from a more eastern perspective. There is a lot of support for some of these benefits in western studies, but the following should not be considered medical advice.

1. Ginseng is a powerful adaptogen.

Whether it is stress from work, cold, heat, problems at home, or any other form of stress, ginseng greatly helps improve the body’s ability to adapt to change in your environment both mentally and physically.[1]

It aids your body while it adjusts to stress, balancing and stabilizing any areas that need correction.

It also has replenishing properties, and is held in the highest place when it comes to increasing natural Qi energy. This makes it the perfect herbal tonic for those who have a lack of energy or are feeling a little run down by life. It rejuvenates Qi energy at the root, thereby giving energy that will last throughout the day.

2. Ginseng is known as a natural aphrodisiac.

Another benefit of ginseng is that it is said to increase libido and overall sex drive in both men and women.[2] It is one of the go-to tonic herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) when it comes to treating men with erectile dysfunction. It stimulates male sexual function and improves sperm production.

3. Ginseng helps balance metabolism.

Ginseng is great for people suffering from obesity.[3] Along with exercise and proper diet, drinking ginseng tea can give an energy boost making a person more active and vital. It is good for weight loss, because it speeds up digestion and metabolism while helping sustain vital energy when on a diet.

4. Ginseng is a natural analgesic.

This herb is said to relax and soothe muscle tissues. It has an anti-inflammatory property which is great for alleviating minor aches and pains.[4]

5. Ginseng is a Nootropic.

Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills needed for us to carry out simple to complex tasks. Ginseng is an excellent brain food that naturally stimulates your brain cells.

Preliminary studies have shown some incredible brain benefits.[5] It appears that ginseng may help to prevent early onset Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease by improving memory and concentration, boosting the function of the brain cells, and stimulating the cerebral cortex (which is the most important part of the brain). Ginseng directly influences brain cells, activating and enhancing cognitive strength and endurance.

6. Ginseng acts as an anti-aging agent.

Ginseng has many anti aging effects.[6] It promotes skin cell regeneration and is a source of antioxidants, which counteracts the damaging and harmful effects of free radicals in the body.

Drinking ginseng tea also helps slow down the signs of aging with its detoxifying property. It is also effective for refining and re-hydrating the skin, as well as improving blood circulation. All of these benefits have been linked to extended life.

7. Ginseng helps regulate female hormones.

Many women today have challenges with their menstrual cycle.[7] Ginseng is an excellent herb when it comes to challenges such as irregular cycles, cramps, and heaving bleeding.

One of the many benefits of ginseng is that it regulates female hormones, maintains secretion balance, and ensures smooth and healthy flow during that time of the month.

8. Ginseng is good for hair growth.

Androgenetic alopecia is a common form of hair loss for men and women. Studies found out that ginseng prevents this process,[8] and, by extension, hair loss, stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth.

9. Ginseng helps control blood sugar and lower cholesterol.

Studies found that ginseng also aids in improving blood sugar levels. It has been used in the treatment for diabetes, as it creates sugar-lowering effects in fasting and after-meal blood sugar levels.[9]

This makes it a wonderful herbal remedy for people with high cholesterol levels to help get them under control before you need medical intervention.

10. Ginseng benefits your major organs.

Ginseng is a herb that benefits almost the whole body and helps promote health and vitality. It invigorates the heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen with its relaxing and calming effect. It also protects the liver, and aids in stimulating the regeneration of liver cells and reducing the chances of liver necrosis (liver cell death from toxicity).[10]

Final Thoughts

Ginseng’s holistic support for well-being aligns seamlessly with longevity, sans detrimental effects. Embracing Ginseng tea emerges as a natural tonic, promising a healthier, extended life. The curtain rises for a captivating act with Ginseng at its core.
