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Communication, Motivation, Productivity, Success

15 Habits That Make Ultra Successful People Stand Out

Written by Peteni Kuzwayo
Peteni is the founder of Run For Wealth. He shares about entrepreneurship and productivity tips on Lifehack.

Who the heck doesn’t want to succeed in life?

Despite our drive and ambition for success, we all define success differently. For many, it is all about the benjamins. For some, it’s building good and healthy relationships. For others, it’s simply being content with what you have.

As the founder of a blog called Run For Wealth, I have spent many years studying the concept of success. The pay off line at Run For Wealth is “Run A Fulfilling Life Race”. As such, to me success means leading a fulfilling life.

Whatever your definition of success, I have listed 15 habits of ultra-successful people that will help you live a fulfilling and abundant life.

1. They have an incredible amount of faith

Success begins with faith. You have to dream and believe in a concept. Before anything tangible, deep inside there has to be a conviction that drives you.

You then have to constantly cultivate that dream and concept.

Speak to any ultra-successful person, and they will relate a story that began years and possibly decades before what was seen with the naked eye.

2. They think abundantly

Ultra-successful people understand that the world has more than enough for everyone.

As such, they are constantly in abundance mode. That means they are not stuck on the limitations caused by small-mind and scarcity thinking that leads to greed and manipulation.

They realize that if they simply work hard, smart, and follow their passion they will get their share of the massive cake of ultra-success.

3. They constantly invest in themselves

Self-investment is the most important practical step anyone can take when pursuing success.

Ultra-successful people sow life seeds all the time. They invest both time and money into their future.

In this hectic and crazy world we all live in, the ultra-successful set aside time for themselves. In this world of materialism, they realize the power of spending money on their future success.

4. They work according to a life plan

Nothing happens by osmosis where ultra-successful people are concerned.

They plan their lives. Then, they constantly work their plan. Does the plan always work to the tee? Absolutely not! In fact, most of the time, plans fall apart.

However, the few plans that work, put ultra-successful streaks ahead of the ordinary Joe Sope because the majority of society doesn’t have a plan. They live an erratic life that has no sense of direction and purpose.

5. They lead a balanced lifestyle

Ultra-successful people understand that money is not everything.

They are multi-dimensional. They know that relationships are just as important (if not more important) than money. They know that physical health is just as important as money and relationships. They understand that cultivating a healthy spiritual foundation is just as important as money, relationships and good physical health.

As such, they constantly dedicate time to nurture all the important areas of their life.

6. They treat people with respect

Success is centered around people. Your mentors are people. Your colleagues and/or business partners are people. Your employees are people. Your clients are people.

As such, to succeed, you have to treat people with respect and dignity regardless of their status in life.

7. They focus on their strengths

We have all been blessed with gifts and talents. Within those gifts and talents lies an incredible amount of potential that we need to tap into by working hard.

Ultra-successful people are able to find their mojo. When they do, they spend most of their time harnessing that which they are good at. This doesn’t mean they don’t have weaknesses. It does not mean they negate to improve areas where they are weak.

However, they will not waste their time on areas they are not naturally gifted in under the umbrella of “you can be anything you want to be in life”.

You need only watch shows like Idols to realize that you CAN’T be anything you want to be in life by constantly focusing your energy on areas you are not naturally gifted at.

8. They are transparent

Ultra-successful people believe in honesty and integrity.

In a world where there is so much corruption, the habit of constantly cultivating a transparent disposition can be a massive challenge. In the face of challenges and times of doubt when pursuing your dreams, the temptation to drop your moral compass has the potential to show its ugly head.

Ultra-successful people understand that no amount of success is worth it if you live a life of dishonesty.

9. They take each day at a time

Patience is a virtue. This sounds so cliché until you hit your head against the challenges of life when pursuing your success.

Ultra-successful people understand that “easy come, easy go” is a reality.

10. They manage their time

Time is the most important resource we have.

Ultra-successful people guard their time like hawks. Because they work according to a life plan, their day-to-day activities are deliberate. That way, they are able to navigate themselves through the many distractions that life can throw.

11. They manage their money

Earning and accumulating income and wealth is important. Keeping it is just as important.

Ultra-successful people understand this. As such, they account for their expenditure as much as they do their income.

To them, the ultimate is to build financial acumen to a point where your money works for you. Your money will never work for you if you don’t manage it well.

12. They constantly bless others

“We are blessed to a blessing” is perhaps one of the most basic ‘secrets’ to success.

Firstly, most people live in scarcity mode (vs abundance). Secondly, when pursuing your dreams, life throws so many challenges you become so protective over what you accumulate when you eventually succeed. This is why many ‘successful’ people are loathed when they have to share and bless others.

Yet, blessings increase when you are able to share them. Sharing means you are able to give your time (as a mentor to others) and your money (to less fortunate and those around you). By doing that, your blessings and success accumulate.

13. They use positive body language

They say actions speak a thousand words. Ultra-successful people work hard at ensuring that their body gestures are constantly positive.

Be it eye contact or body posture when sitting in a meeting, they know that these ‘small’ matters go a long way.

14. They constantly challenge themselves

Where challenges are concerned, you only have two options: Either you pro-actively challenge yourself of life will challenge you by force.

When you pro-actively challenge yourself, you have the edge. When life challenges you, you are on the back-foot and you eventually lead a reactive life of putting out fires.

Ultra-successful people understand that challenges bring out the best in us. They don’t wait for challenges to come their way. They go out there and constantly challenge themselves.

15. They are grateful

Although ultra-successful people have been wired to be ambitious, they cultivate an ability to balance ambition with contentment and appreciation. Being content doesn’t mean you settle for mediocrity.

Contentment and appreciation means you appreciate fully what you have in the present. It means you acknowledge those who are your support structure and have helped you to be where you are currently. It also means that your drive and ambition is not fueled by greed and other negative catalysts.

Yes, be ambitious. But, equally important, be content and fully appreciative of where you are currently.

Ultra-success is a constantly evolving status on your life timeline.

Even for those who are “self-actualized” on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, their need to give back or contribute goes through numerous stages that can never hit a ceiling whilst they live here on Planet Earth.

Featured photo credit: Image courtesy of John Hope via