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Food and Drink, Lifestyle, Productivity

27 Useful Infographics That All Bakers Need

Written by Alex Craig
Kickin' Butt as a Digital Marketer and Copywriter

Cookies, Cakes, and Cinnamon rolls are a bakers delight. But do you know why your cookies never seem to turn out just right? Or why trying to bake healthy almost always ruin the desert? Well, the writers at Home Tips World shared a post by Rachel at Buzzfeed that displays twenty-seven charts that will teach you everything you wanted to know about baking.

For figuring out what your cookies should look like:

Bake Cookies

    How-to Avoid Any Baking Emergency:

    Avoid baking emergencies

      For When the Cake Does Not Turn Out Right

      Why Cake Fails

        Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Like Mum Use to Make>/h2>

        bake cinnamon rolls

          Achieve the Perfect Crust

          baking bread

            When you Do not Understand the Metric System

            metric baking


                Creating the Perfect Cookie You Want to Dunk in Milk

                perfect cookie

                  For When You Want to Be Healthy

                  healthy baking

                    Being Vegan Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Bake

                    bake vegan

                      For When You Want to Remove the Gluten

                      Gluten Free Baking

                        For When You Never Have the Right Measuring Cup

                        Conversions Baking

                          For When You Want Baking to Be Easy

                          Baking Tools

                            Quick Recipe for a Vanilla Cupcake

                            vanilla cupcake recipe

                              Who Needs Coffee in a Mug?


                                Make the Perfect Wedding Cake

                                DIY Wedding Cake

                                  Eggs 101 from this Eggspert Graph

                                  Egg Facts

                                    For When You Want to Know Everything About Sugar

                                    Sugar Facts

                                      For When Baking Means You Can Get Your Nerd On

                                      Bake with Chemistry

                                        To Keep Your Ingredients Ready


                                          Bake Apple Pie Like Grandma

                                          Bake Apple Pie

                                            Finding the Perfect Apple for Your Pie

                                            find best apple

                                              When You Only Want a Little Bit

                                              Cutting Recipes in Half

                                                For When You are Hosting

                                                Hosting Cake Events

                                                  The Golden Rules of Cake Baking

                                                  Rules of Baking

                                                    For When You Need to Impress Your Friends With Your Decorating Skills

                                                    Cake Decorating

                                                      For Crafting the Perfect Cake Color

                                                      Decorating Cakes

                                                        To Bake or Read a Book?

                                                        Should I bake