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The Ultimate Lifehack Guide for Your New Year

Written by Catherine Winter
Catherine is a wordsmith covering lifestyle tips on Lifehack.

If you’re like most people, you likely started 2013 with a solid list of goals that you hoped to achieve over the course of the year. New Year’s resolutions tend to run the gamut from quitting smoking to writing novels, but though many people dive into these pursuits with the best of intentions, their enthusiasm and dedication tend to taper off after a few weeks: it’s estimated that approximately 80% of people abandon their resolutions by the end of January, and only a small fraction of the rest manage to stick to their New Year’s goals for the rest of the year.

ultimate lifehack guide 2

    This isn’t because we’re all a bunch of slovenly trolls with no self-discipline or drive to succeed, but rather that we may be lacking vital tools and resources to help us along on our journeys. Since most of us seem to fall off-course from our resolutions because we lack an effective guide to keep us focused, a little help might keep us all on track this year.

    Below is a list of effective resources and tips that can assist in pursuing any objective: no matter what plans you’ve made or goals you’re striving for, they are all reachable, and achievable, and this guide will help you attain them.

    1. Set a Realistic Goal
    2. Plan Properly
    3. Execute your Plan
    4. Follow Through Your New Year Resolution
    5. Time to Exercise
    6. Quit a Bad Habit
    7. Eat Better and Healthier
    8. Work Improvement
    9. Manage your Money Well
    10. Start your Own Business

    Set a Realistic Goal

    First things first, you need to set a clear and reachable goal no matter what your new year resolutions are. Here are several ways to set a realistic goal.

    set goals
      • How to Reflect on 2012 and Set Yourself Up for Success in 2013: If you want to know how to reflect on 2012 and set yourself up for success in 2013, then there are some simple steps that you can follow to make this happen.
      • How to Use the S.M.A.R.T. Approach to Achieve Your Resolutions: SMART can help you to figure out how to make your resolutions achievable, how to plan it out and set yourself up for success.
      • Achieving Your Goals in 2013: Preparing Your Survival Kit: Pursuing your goals can be an awesome adventure. Prepare yourself properly for this adventure by packing a survival kit for achieving your goals.
      • 5 Types of People Who Suck at Setting Goals: Which One Are You?: There are 5 basic types of people who absolutely suck at setting goals. Which category to you fit into?
      • 5 Ways to Set Your Goals in Stone: After a few weeks or even days, our enthusiasm dies down, and that spark of inspiration becomes a memory.

      How to Plan Properly

      You don’t need to have the perfect plan to achieve your goal but a well structured plan keeps you on the right path.


        How to Execute Your Plan

        By looking at how the others execute their plan, you may get some insights for your own.

        execute plan
          • 60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days: Here are 60 small, concrete steps you can take to create noticeable improvements in your life in just 100 days.
          • 18 Tricks to Make New Habits StickWith a small amount of initial discipline, you can create a new habit that requires little effort to maintain. Here are some tips for creating new habits and making them stick.
          • Just in Time for 2013: An Evergreen Time Management System: Don’t get stuck with a time management system that can only meet yesterday’s time demands. Instead, create one that’s evergreen.
          • How To Be The Master of Your Dreams: It’s important to follow your dreams, but staying in fantasy-land can hold you back from achieving them. Here are some tips on attaining those goals.
          • Top 5 Ways to Start the Year Off Right: Take charge of what you are getting out of life. Now is the perfect time to follow these 5 ways to start the year off right.

          How to Stick to Your New Year Resolutions

          By the first half of the year, many people have already failed to stick to their resolutions. Here’s how you can prevent yourself from failing or to learn from them.

            • Five Reasons to Cheer When You Fail to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions: New Year’s Resolutions are difficult to keep. Don’t feel downhearted, if you fail to keep yours. There may be a good reason for your failure.
            • 5 Reasons Your New Years Resolution is Destined to Fail : Here are 5 reasons why your New Years Resolution will fail. Make sure your New Years Resolution doesn’t have any of these common pitfalls.
            • The #1 Killer of Your 2013 Goals and Resolutions: Setting goals and resolutions are very important this time of the year. Remember WHY you set them in the first place to keep from failing!
            • What to Do With Your Broken New Years Resolutions: New Years Resolutions broken already? Don’t worry, New Years Resolutions are deeply flawed, so here’s what to do instead.
            • 3 Steps To Follow Through with New Year’s Resolutions: Before you make your next round of New Year’s resolutions, plan carefully to help ensure that you can reach your goals.

            Time to Exercise

            If you decide to lose weight or keep fit this year, these tactics show you to how to develop an efficient exercise habit.

            time to exercise
              • 15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit (and How to Keep It): Getting sick, family crisis, overtime at work and school papers that needed to get finished all kept you for exercising. Now, the question is: how do you start again?
              • 8 Highly Effective Weight Loss & Muscle Building Tactics: Here are some of the key strategies that we have found to make the most impact on weight and body fat, muscle mass, and energy level.
              • Get Fit in 5 Minutes a Day with the Ultimate Body Weight Exercise: In just 5 minutes a day, this simple-yet-effective exercise can whip your whole body into shape. Introducing: the burpee!
              • 5 Ways to Find Time for ExerciseExercise is vital to our wellbeing and longevity. Yet, many of us can’t find time for exercise. Find out how to fit exercise into your life.
              • 5 Fitness Gadgets That Actually Work And Won’t Swallow Your Money: The article gives you a list of fitness gadgets that are not only effective but also easy on your pockets.

              Quit a Bad Habit

              A bad habit can be harmful to you. Worse still, they are usually harmful to those closest to you. It’s time to quit.

              quit smoking
                • How to Quit a Bad Habit by Answering Four Power QuestionsMaybe you have even tried, but things haven’t worked out as you hoped. Unfortunately, the very idea of “quitting” can make things difficult for you: let’s discover why.
                • 7 Tips to Help You Quit Smoking: So, you’ve decided to quit smoking. That’s awesome, and you’ll undoubtedly notice that your health and overall sense of well-being will improve exponentially after you’ve quit, but the first few weeks going smoke-free will be hell on wheels.
                • 10 Bad Habits Worth Losing: It’s a good idea to put together a list of bad habits to remove from your life this year. Here are Zoe B’s top 10 bad habits to lose.
                • Breaking Bad Habits in 28 Days: How realistic is it to try and break any habit in 30 days? And where did this idea of habit-busting in under a month come from in the first place?

                Eat Better and Healthier

                Heathy eating is not simply a kind of lifestyle. It actually boosts your productivity and energy levels.

                eat better
                  • 20 Foods To Snack On For Enhanced Productivity: This is a list of 20 foods you can eat to improve your eye-sight, improve your performance, energize your brain and keep your day on track.
                  • 4 Quick And Easy Tricks To Healthier Eating: Healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. Today let’s cover 4 quick and easy tricks to healthier eating.
                  • Instant De-stress Tips: 7 Foods You Should be Eating Right Now: If you’ve stressed out, it can really affect your productivity. In order to stay at your peak, try snacking on some of the following foods.
                  • Brain Food – Eat For Productivity: To work well and efficiently throughout the day, this energy level must be kept high enough so not to cause mental stress and exhaustion.
                  • Vitamins Cheat Sheet: What They Do and Good Food SourcesThe next time you are preparing a meal, or shopping, you’ll have a good idea which food contains which vitamins, and remember, when you’re cooking the food, it’s a myth that the vitamins will be ‘cooked out’.
                  • Nutrition: Minerals Cheat Sheet & Food SourcesEver wondered what minerals are for? or how they help our body? Well here’s a handy chart that you can share, print and use as a reference list.

                  Work Improvement

                  If you are struggling in your current working situations, it’s time to make some changes for your career growth.

                  work improvement
                    • 42 Practical Ways To Improve YourselfAre you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better?
                    • 9 Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative People:
                    • 6 Rules to Work Less and Get More AccomplishedWorking less and accomplishing more isn’t easy. It requires thinking creatively to find more effective ways of doing things.
                    • Happiness at Work – 12 Simple Ways to Make it Happen!: If you are a relatively junior employee at your company, though you carry out a very important role, you may not always be recognised. You might also face some of the following challenges.
                    • How to Get PromotedIf you work in a large organization and are ambitious for career progression then here are a number of things that you can do to assist your journey.

                    Manage your Money Well

                    Money management is a problem for quite a few  people… here’s some advice.

                    manage money
                      • 50 Quick & Easy Ways to Save MoneyWith these 50 quick and easy tips, you can save hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars every year.
                      • 10 Best Websites that Help Make You More Money-Savvy: These 10 financial websites will help you to easily learn how to manage your money and make smart financial decisions.
                      • 26 Personal Finance Tips from Famous People: The following quotes have been culled from some of the best-known businessmen, entrepreneurs, historical figures, and other famous people to provide you with some solid aphorisms for protecting your net worth.
                      • 33 Painless Ways to Save Money Now: Small savings can add up and big savings can feel like winning the lottery, just without all of the taxes.
                      • How Saving $5 A Day Can Change Your LifeMany people will say they don’t want to give up life’s little luxuries, but here’s what could happen if you did and saved the money instead.

                      Start your Own Business

                      It is easier to start a new business than what you can imagine. All you need is taking the action.

                      start a business
                        • 50 Businesses You Can Start In Your Spare Time: Between an employer and family, the time most of us can devote to a second job is severely limited. Running a small side business can provide a few more options.
                        • How to Really Start a Business (or Why You Don’t Need Money to Make Money): How to get past the myths that prevent you from starting a business. Learn how to start a business on the cheap and change your life.
                        • 7 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Internet Business: Not sure about starting an internet business? Let me give you 7 reasons why you should as soon as possible.
                        • How to Start a Business before Dinnertime: Attention all of you who have never thought of yourself as an entrepreneur, but you don’t like working for anyone else, either. Here’s how to start a business before dinnertime.
                        • How to build your business before quitting your day job:  There are ways to approach this without burning bridges, while building wealth and increasing the likelihood of success in the new venture.
                        • 5 Things You Need to Do Before You Dive Into a “Business in Blue Jeans”:
                        • Before you make the transition into non-traditional work, you need to do at least five things. Some are easier than others, but all are crucial to your success. Follow these steps to ensure that when you finally take the leap, you make a splash instead of a bellyflop.